Young Olympic ascent

You might not be going to Beijing this summer, but you still have the chance to be a part of the Olympics. As part of the Global Youth Summit, we are inviting young mountaineers to ascend Mount Olympus (mt.2917), Greece.

The ascent to the top will be on Sunday 24th of August, the date of the Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing. While one Olympic Torch is dimming, another Torch will be lit on the top of Mount Olympus by the UIAA Youth Mountaineering People to keep the Olympic values and ideals alive and send a message of peace and friendship to all young mountaineers in the world.

The ascent is not very difficult. We will be hiking and scrambling (meaning that you must also sometimes use your hands).The mountain is 2917 mt. high and close to the Aegean Sea so fog and storms are quite frequent in the afternoons.

After the ascent it is possible to stay with your new mountaineering-friends and climb in the Meteoras as well as swimming and sightseeing.

This UIAA event is co-ordinated by the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) with support from the Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing. We would like to invite you to participate with 3-4 young people and 1 adult leader from each UIAA Federation. The maximum number of participants is 40 and the age of participants is 16 – 20 years old.

There are two options, one cost 285 Euros, one 370 Euro. It addition comes flights etc. (More details in the invitation).

For more information, please read the invitation. If you want to take part, please submit the registration form before 25th May.

If you have any questions, please contact Dolores de Felice

Participants might also be interested to read about the Olympic symbols, the Olympic Games in Antiquity and about mental processes of Olympic athletes.