Climbing meet in South Africa

Are you living in the northern hemisphere and can’t get enough of snow and ice? Then why not take the chance to try out ice climbing in Africa in the middle of July?

The KwaZulu-Natal Section of the Mountain Club of South Africa is inviting you to a Winter meet, taking place in Drakensberg, South Africa from the 5 to 13 July 2008.

The objective is to introduce the participants to Africa and its premier ice climbing venue, Giant’s Castle, which is located in the Drakensberg.The programme is still to be finalised and will be forwarded to participants in June 2008. However, five days will be spent in the Drakensberg at Giant’s Castle. It is an eight hour walk in with full ice gear, food and tent on your back at 3000m above sea level. So you must be fit! Participants will also get to climb at some of KwaZulu-Natal’s premier rock climbing venues, swim in the Indian Ocean and sight see.

International participants must organise their own travel to Durban International Airport, where they will be picked up by the hosts on 5 July. The event is subsidised by The KZN-MCSA, so the participation fee is just 100 British pounds. Accommodation will be in host’s homes.

Participants need to bring all their ice gear and hiking gear including a tent. Some equipment can be hired, but you must confirm this in advance with the organisers by email.

If you would like to take part, please email the The Mountain Club of South Africa before the registration deadline 31 May 2008. Places will be offered on a strictly first-come, first-served basis!

Read the invitation