Eco friendly Everest summit

The members of the Eco Everest expedition 2008 have reached the summit. The purpose of the expedition was to field test an environmentally friendly approach to climbing and draw attention to climate change.

You can read more about the Eco Everest expedition in our previous article.

One of the expedition members, Apa Sherpa, broke his own world record on the morning of May 22, when he summited the mountain for the 18th time. Apa has the most climbs of the world’s highest mountain since his 10th summit in 1999. “I feel strong and well. There are a lot of people on the top. I am going to go back down now,” said Apa during a satellite phone call to his family, according to the EcoEverest website.

Dawa Steven Sherpa, the leader of the expedition, reached the summit of Mt. Everest on Monday, May 26. Dawa Steven took the ICIMOD flag with him to the summit to mark the 25th anniversary of ICIMOD. He has helped set up the ICIMOD Eco Everest Trust Fund to finance further research and early warning systems for glacier lake outburst floods.  At a news conference on April 3, a check for US$20,000, representing US $2,000 per climber, was handed over to ICIMOD by Dawa Steven.

The other members of the expedition who reached the summit were David L. Gonzalez – (Mexico) Helmut Linzbichler, (Austria), Nima Kanchha Sherpa, Ang Mingma Sherpa and Mingma Sherpa.