Global Youth Summit winter events await veteran and novice youth climbers

Ice climbing camp to be held for youth near Erzurum, Turkey one of three GYS winter events (Photo: Nejat Akinci for UIAA)

Indoor and outdoor ice climbing is all the rage these days especially among young people.

Check out three UIAA Global Youth Summit winter events, which take place in the U.S.A., Turkey and France between December and February 2015, to get the juices flowing. They give new ice climbers are taste of what the excitement is all about and the veteran a challenge they can relish.

All courses are organized in conjunction with UIAA member federations and follow guidelines established by the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation.

Durango, Colorado (Age Limit: up to 21 years): This inaugural event takes place 30-31 December 2014 in a park in downtown Durango (6,500 feet), situated in the southwest corner of the scenic San Juan Mountain. It is the first youth UIAA-style mixed climbing competition in North America. Funded by ARISF, this Global Youth Summit event is being organized by Marcus Garcia of The Rock Lounge. The Durango competition will be held along similar lines to the UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup Tour, the bi-annual UIAA World Championships and the World Youth Championships. There are two age groups, 15-19 and 19-21 years. For more information please click here.

Erzurum, Turkey (Age limit: 18-21 years): This youth ice climbing festival takes place in the Uzundere town which is an hour away from the Erzurum city center. Natural frozen waterfalls make it a perfect location to organize an ice climbing event, the first of its kind in the area. Young athletes from all other the world are welcome. The Zirve Mountaineering Club and the Erzurum Metropolitan municipality behind the event.  For more information please click here.

Guillestre, France (Age Limit: 16-24 years): The camp is situated in Guillestre, near Briançon in Southern Alps of France. The main goal of this youth ice climbing camp is to learn many forms of ice climbing, one pitch, or routes with many pitches. Whatever your level there is something for you including a chance to meet young climbers from around the world. For more information please click here.

The Global Youth Summit is a series of UIAA youth events where young mountaineers from around the world come together to climb, promote peace and cooperation between countries and work on the protection of the environment.

If your member federation is organising a youth event such as a climbing camp or an ascent of a mountain, a trek or an environmental event in your country, you can be part of the Global Youth Summit! We encourage you to include certain themes and aims in the event programme, such as crag development, local ethics and traditions, improving individual performance, environmental awareness and climbing for peace.

The UIAA does not set restrictions for the events such as age limits or what kind of activities Federations should organise. However organizers of Youth Commission events must follow our criteria and recommendations. The events should be open to youth from other countries, giving young people the opportunity to form friendships across borders.

The events can take place at any time of the year. They can also be organized around key dates such as the United Nations World Environment Day (June 5) or the United Nations International Mountain Day (December 11).

The UIAA Youth Commission works closely with the Association of Recognised IOC International Sports Federations (ARISF) and has received ARISF external funding for youth training since 2000.

For more information on organising GYS events in your country, please contact