Join the UIAA in supporting the World Food Programme and Nepal Mountaineering Association’s response in Nepal

Remote Access Operations: Reaching the unreachable

Following the April earthquake that shook Nepal and left thousands of people stranded in remote locations beyond the access of roads and helicopters, the World Food Programme (WFP) set up a Remote Access Operation to reach survivors with life-saving food, medicine and shelter.

In the Himalayas, a land of expedition, this special operation employs more than 15,000 Nepalese people who are assessing villages and remote communities, clearing access trails and conducting mule and porter convoys to bring food and relief items to those in greatest need.

In addition to opening access for humanitarian relief, this operation provides employment for people who would otherwise be unemployed because of the recent drop in tourism in the region. More than 100,000 people are benefiting from this operation from improved trail access and or delivery of humanitarian relief items thanks to the alliance formed between WFP and the Nepal Mountaineering Association (a member of the UIAA and implementing partner of WFP) and the Trekking Association of Nepal.

Subject to funding, the porters will continue with their work of supporting communities in need, particularly those whose crops have failed and who are considered to be at risk of food insecurity. WFP is grateful for the support of UIAA and its members to enable this unique operation to bring vital supplies to the mountain people of Nepal’s Himalaya.

It costs around 20 dollars to employ a porter for a day. If you wish to support the UIAA’s assistance to the World Food Programme’s response in Nepal, click here.

WFP is the largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide and provides logistical services for the whole humanitarian community during times of emergency. When its fleets of helicopters, trucks and boats are not sufficient to reach those in need, WFP engages alternative means of transport to deliver food and supplies, such as the porters in Nepal.