Introducing the 2016 International Climbers’ Meet

The American Alpine Club is now taking applications for the 2016 International Climbers’ Meet to be held in Yosemite Valley.
The American Alpine Club (AAC) is hosting its 9th annual International Climbers’ Meet (ICM), to be held the week of 25 September – 2 October, 2016 in Yosemite Valley. Experience with placement and removal of protection, multi-pitch rope management, at least two years of technical rock climbing, and the ability to follow sustained 5 – 8 granite is mandatory. The goal is to host a diverse group of climbing abilities from a multitude of countries. American Alpine Club members from the USA will be participating again this year.

 The event includes:

  • Car pool opportunities and transportation information for travel to Yosemite 
  • Seven nights and six days of camping at secluded Yellow Pines camp ground
  • Three gourmet catered meals per day from Sierra Gourmet catering
  • Six days of climbing in spectacular Yosemite Valley
  • Nightly campfire for storytelling, socializing, and general carousing
  • Partner with other participants or experienced local host climbers 

Early Bird fee until July 20th 
is $465 USD per person.

Beginning July 21 the fee will be $515 USD per person.

 New in 2016

  • The ICM has the honor of being part of the Yosemite International Symposium, a gathering of park managers from around the globe. On Sept 26th, International participants will be giving a series of slide shows about their home climbing areas to the Symposium.
  • Park ranger Brandon Latham will assist in gathering local host climbers. We are anticipating that participants will have the opportunity to climb with park rangers, search and rescue personal, climbing stewards, and other Yosemite locals.
  • Historical Yosemite legend, Doug Robinson one of the fathers of clean climbing, will be giving a slide show

All international applications will be reviewed by 30 May and notice will be given of your acceptance on that date.

The AAC will be accepting applications up until one week before the event on a first come first serve basis but SPACE is LIMITED.

2016 Application Form

Submit attached application electronically via e-mail to   

Questions? Contact:   

For more information and application go to: https://americanalpineclub. org/international-climbers- meet

(Photo: Andrew Burr)