Historic ascent of Shispare northeast face

As reported to the UIAA by its Honorary Member Tom Nakamura (Japan), Kazuya Hiraide and Kenro Nakajima successfully summited the 7611m peak of Shispare, Pakistan, via a new route of the northeast face at 14:30 on 22 August. This is considered to be the first ascent of the northeast face of Shispare and becomes one of the stand out mountaineering achievements of the year. The pair successfully descended the northeast ridge and into the Hunza Valley on 25 August. They return to Japan on 1 September. The two climbers are members of the Japanese Alpine Club which is affiliated with the Japanese Mountaineering Association, a UIAA member.

UPDATE, 20 September: The following report courtesy of the Asian Alpine E-News Issue 12 provides full details on the expedition. Click here.