Programme announced for Asia’s Piolets d’Or

Seoul, Korea will host the 12th edition of the Asian continent’s Piolets d’Or on Friday 3 November. Three main awards will be bestowed during the ceremony: the Piolets d’Or Asia, the Lifetime Achievement Asia and the Golden Climbing Shoe. The first two categories will be fiercely contested after a year of notable climbing achievements – the most recent Japanese climbers Kazuya Hiraide and Kenro Nakajima’s successful summit of the northeast face of Shispare.

The lifetime achievement award will be given to renowned Indian alpinist and author Harish Kapadia, 72, (main picture) who has devoted his life to Asian mountaineering. This event is run by Korean monthly magazine Man and Mountain, in conjunction with Japanese magazine ‘Rock and Ice’, Chinese Magazine ‘China Outdoor’ and supported by Grivel and La Sportiva.