In reference to the UIAA news story published on 2 November, further details are now available regarding mountain-related discussions at the 23rd United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – COP23.

In collaboration with Mountain Partnership , the UIAA will take part in a side event discussion during COP23, titled “Implementing the 2030 Agenda & Paris Agreement in mountains: building a Framework for Action”.

It will be held on Tuesday, 14 November 2017 – 18.30-20.00 – Meeting Room 2, World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB).

Organized by the Mountain Partnership, the Government of Kyrgyzstan and the UIAA, the panel will explore common challenges and solutions for addressing climate change impacts in mountains during the event, supporting concrete actions, putting in place long-lasting processes and establishing policies that strengthen the resilience of mountain peoples and environments. The UIAA will be represented by Mountain Protection Commission delegate Joop Spijker (NKBC, Netherlands). He will address the subject of mountaineering and climate change. Download the agenda here.

Delegates visiting COP23 in Bonn are encouraged to attend. The discussions will be livestreamed on YouTube.

On Thursday 16 November, Mountain Partnership will organize a second side event:

Mountains and Islands: building a coalition for vulnerable ecosystems
Thursday 16 November, Meeting Room 2; 18.30-20.00

Click here for the full list of mountain-related side events and exhibitions at UNFCCC COP23. 


A replay of the panel discussion can be found here:

UIAA Honorary Member Ang Tshering Sherpa also presented during the Panel. His presentation can be viewed here.

Main Image: ©BMUB/Sascha Hilgers