Application for the 2018 UIAA Mountain Protection Award opens on Saturday 24 March. Entering its sixth year, the Award is an internationally-recognised platform for sustainability-conscious and mountaineering-focused tourism and recreation-based projects operating in the mountain environment.

The official opening of the 2018 Award follows shortly after a special presentation for the 2017 UIAA Mountain Protection Award (MPA) winner in Kathmandu, Nepal. The team of Mount Everest Biogas Project, led by project co-founder Garry Porter, will collect the MPA trophy before taking part in a dedicated press conference.

The press conference will focus on the subject of mountain sustainability, the MPA, and the specific challenges facing Nepal, and also feature contributions from Frits Vrijlandt, UIAA President; Dr Carolina Alder, UIAA Mountain Protection Commission President; Priyanka Bista from 2015 Award winner KTK-BELT Studio and representatives from last year’s runner-up Community Action Nepal, a long-running charity founded by former UIAA Management Committee member Doug Scott.

Save the Date

The press conference – organised in conjunction with the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) – will take place at the Annapurna Hotel, Kathmandu on Saturday 24 March at 18:00.

Interested in attending? Please contact Gloria Scarano, gloria.scarano@theuiaa.org

About the 2018 Mountain Protection Award

The UIAA Mountain Protection Award (MPA) was created in 2013. During its six years of existence, the annual UIAA Mountain Protection Award (MPA) has made a tangible difference to mountain lives, communities and the environment. It has enabled people to raise finances to build key infrastructures, conduct vital research and fulfil pending goals; it has provided an international showcase and communication platform for projects to raise awareness and exchange ideas and initiatives. Not only has it supported local communities, it has fostered its own global community. The Award celebrates innovation and a desire to make a difference.

The 2017 Award welcomed a record number of projects from across the globe.

Benefits for nominated projects:

  • Every approved initiative and project submitted to the UIAA MPA is showcased as part of the MPA platform. Becoming part of the UIAA’s global network creates tangible benefits for both the nominees and the Award winner in terms of raising project awareness and support.
  • All nominees are promoted individually through the UIAA’s social media channels.
  • Furthermore, the winning project receives as 5,000 USD financial grant, is featured in a dedicated press release and invited to the UIAA General Assembly.

More details:

Promotional flyers in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Main Image:
2017 UIAA Mountain Protection Award nominee, Project Cordillera