This summer, Ariège, in the picturesque region of southwest France welcomed a number of aspirant climbers from across the globe to take part in one of the UIAA’s latest International Youth Camps.

The camp, held from 7-12 July, offered youngsters from diverse backgrounds and cultures the opportunity to enhance and harness their passion for mountaineering, along with the chance to develop new and lasting friendships.

Under the tutelage of knowledgable instructors, the youngsters were able to make the most of the glorious weather by tackling a number of exercises, including a long sequence of 11 pitches in the Dent d’ Orlu, a distinctive peak reaching 2,222m.

Those participating in this summer’s camp were nine young climbers from the Toulouse Alpine Club, ranging from 11 to 17 years old, as well as visitors from Hungary and Singapore.

The event was organised by FFCAM / Alpine Club of Toulouse.

For full details on all UIAA Global Youth Series events click here.

Report details courtesy of Christian Biard.