Since 2013, the UIAA Mountain Protection Award has showcased 106 projects from over 30 countries. The platform has enabled initiatives to receive international recognition and much-needed funding. It has provided an opportunity to exchange ideas and share best practices. Investment generated by the Award has helped projects advance in meeting key targets such as building infrastructures to improve the lives and conditions of mountain people and communities.

The annual Award is open to initiatives, projects and associations whose activities are directly related to mountaineering and mountain-based sports and in parallel who demonstrate an engagement and collaboration with local communities to develop a culture of mountaineering activities and initiatives that are both sustainable and that attract and inspire visitors.

Application for the 2019 Award opens on 1 March. It closes on 30 June. To apply please first read the application guidelines and then click here. All projects approved by the UIAA MPA Assessment Team are promoted through the UIAA’s international channels. The winning project is invited to give a presentation at the UIAA General Assembly – to be held in Cyprus on 2 November, 2019 – and receives a cash prize of 5000 USD. The 2019 Award will also feature a Donate area where specific projects – or the MPA as a whole – can be supported by additional funding from the climbing and mountaineering community.

The six winners since 2013 of the Award represent a diverse range of projects. The most recent recipient was the Doug and Trish Scott-founded Community Action Nepal, a charity which was worked tirelessly over the past two decades to help rebuild parts of Nepal devastated by earthquakes. Other winners include the education-led focus of KTK-BELT in Nepal (2015), Mountain Wilderness France (2016) who are engaged in removing obsolete man-made facilities from Alpine regions and Mount Everest Biogas Project (2017) who have enjoyed global coverage for their innovate approach in dealing with the human waste issue on Everest. A model which will be developed for other mountain regions.

To apply for the UIAA MPA, projects must correspond to at least one of the following categories:

  • Conservation of biodiversity – including flora and fauna
  • Sustainable resource management, such as energy or water
  • Sustainable waste management and disposal
  • Adaptation to/mitigation of effects of climate change
  • Protection of the environment through culture and education

To apply and participation in the UIAA MPA is free of charge. For additional information regarding eligibility, assessment criteria and review process, please refer to the 2019 application guidelines.

Key Links:
UIAA Mountain Protection Award
2018 – All the Nominees
Apply here

Main Image: 2017 & 2018 MPA nominee Project Cordillera