The UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – has launched a Donate initiative to help raise funds for mountain-related projects worldwide.

A dedicated Donate page on the UIAA website was one of the ideas put forward by a number of member associations and partners during the most recent UIAA General Assembly. Many members expressed a desire to directly support on the UIAA on specific projects.

The Donate scheme provides the opportunity to promote projects and causes run by UIAA members and partners. It also allows the UIAA to react more proactively in creating fundraising opportunities following natural disasters or unexpected events.

Each quarter, the UIAA will change the identity of its seasonal causes, including one run by a UIAA member. Member associations interested in having a specific projected promoted on the page are invited to contact Carol Kahoun, carol.kahoun@theuiaa.org. The UIAA Donate Team will select a project from the shortlist.

Through the platform, donators can choose to make both one-off or ongoing contributions to the UIAA – and in the process identify areas where the contribution should be assigned –as well as support specific projects.

For its launch, the Donate page offers people the chance to support the following causes and projects:

  • 2019 UIAA Mountain Protection Award (seasonal)
  • UIAA Anchor Corrosion Research (seasonal)
  • UIAA Partner Support: ClimbAID (seasonal) & Climbers Against Cancer (permanent)
  • UIAA Member Association Support: Malta Climbing Club (seasonal)

For full details on the projects, and to directly support them, please visit the Donate page .

For any questions please contact UIAA Project Manager, Carol Kahoun