Recent dialogue and meetings dating back to the UIAA General Assembly in Cyprus and involving the GA, the UIAA Management Committee and the UIAA Executive Board, have focused on collectively realigning the UIAA’s role, objectives and vision.

Taking elements from the expertise which went into the publication of the 2019 UIAA Strategic Plan (produced by a dedicated working group), the resulting proposal is to focus on objectives which are more direct and specific, all in the spirit of being available to render service to the member federations.

As a result, the proposal is for the UIAA’s key strategic priorities going forward to be defined as:

(1) Providing global guidance on nature and climate risk
(2) Setting and maintaining the highest standards
(3) Acting as a helpline to national federations and their members

(1) To provide guidance on nature and mountaineering climate risk, which is a significant global concern at present. Over the coming years, the UIAA will assist national federations in providing reliable guidance on the increasing climbing and mountaineering risks caused by climate change.

(2) Through its expert and dedicated Commission activities, the UIAA has led the way in a diverse range of fields. The UIAA continues to set standards for climbing and mountaineering in areas such as safety, mountain protection, training, responsible access, sustainability, climbing sports and mountain medicine research.

(3) The UIAA exists to serve its members. The UIAA’s task is to assist national federations, to respond to member inquiries, to defend their interests, to advocate the cause of just and sustainable mountaineering and to find the human and financial means to lend more than a willing ear to member requests bearing in mind the geographical and functional diversity of members.

This proposed reworded formulation of objectives will be discussed at the upcoming meetings of the Executive Board in February and March, and at the Management Committee meeting in May 2020.

For more information about the UIAA:
About the UIAA
UIAA Member Associations Directory

Main photo: UIAA delegates gather for a group photo at the 2019 GA in Cyprus