For all information related to the UIAA and Covid-19 please visit the dedicated page. Click here.

This statement was finalised following a UIAA Crisis Management meeting held online on Monday 23 March.


For a large number of our member federations, the COVID-19 situation continues to be the dominating challenge in both private and public life.

The UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – is fully aware of the hardships, and in some cases the intense suffering, brought about by the pandemic.


The UIAA is conscious that many federations have already taken courageous and far-reaching action. We wish to express our gratitude and admiration to those who have shown leadership, solidarity and compassion. In the coming days, the UIAA will create a dedicated COVID-19 page on its website to showcase member initiatives and stories. In this time of need, we can inspire each other.

UPDATE: Please note this website page is now available to view.

The UIAA wishes to repeat its statement published on 13 March: we encourage strict compliance with the measures implemented by your national, regional and local authorities in order to contain the spread of the virus. Social distancing and confinement directives apply to all climbers, hikers, walkers, mountaineers and practitioners of mountain sports. Respect for these measures also insure that medical and rescue services are dedicated to those most in need.


Following recommendations made by authorities in Switzerland to reduce the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus, the UIAA Office in Bern will be closed until at least 30 April. All UIAA staff are working remotely. The UIAA Office team is accustomed to agile working, to communicating through online tools, and is fully focused on continuing to deliver support to its members.

To contact the UIAA Office, please email office@theuiaa.org


Many of our member federations are directly involved in UIAA Commissions or Working Groups. Until further notice, all UIAA events, activities and gatherings which require travel are suspended. We encourage you to communicate through online tools and to postpone all meetings in person. Commission-specific guidance regarding the status of ongoing UIAA Commission projects will be forthcoming from the respective Commission Presidents.


With respect to the 2020 UIAA General Assembly and associated meetings of the Management Committee and some Commissions, we strongly recommend not making any travel arrangements and to wait for the instructions contained in the statutory July Calling Notice which will be fully adapted to the prevailing circumstances in both the host country and delegates’ countries. The UIAA Executive Board proposes an interim reporting date of mid-May to make a decision about the staging of the GA.

Regarding the organization of the 24-27 October meetings in Antalya, Turkey, the UIAA Office is in constant contact with the host country federation (Turkish Mountaineering Federation, TDF) to offer its support, and to ensure they are aware of our collective concerns and the evolving course of action.

Also, as communicated on 13 March, the UIAA Management Committee and Commission meetings scheduled for 30 April – 4 May have been postponed.

This statement has been sent to all UIAA member federations, UIAA Management Committee members, UIAA Commission Presidents, the UIAA Court and to all sponsors and partners. 

Yours Sincerely,
UIAA Executive Board and President Frits Vrijlandt

World Health Organisation – COVID-19
Swiss Federal Office of Public Health – COVID-19