Updates from Nepal Mountaineering Association

The following are two Covid-19 related updates from the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA), the UIAA full member in Nepal.

Nepal Mountaineering Association contributes to Covid-19 fund

The following article was published in the Himalayan Times on 12 April.

Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) handed over a cheque of NRs 500,000 to the government-established (COVID-19) Control and Treatment Relief Fund, today.

The cheque was handed over today to the Secretary of Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Mahendra Prasad Guragain, by NMA President Santa Bir Lama.

Appreciating the support, Secretary Guragain said that the fund will be focused on the prevention, control and treatment pertaining to COVID-19.

President Lama added that the fund would be utilised for prevention, control and treatment measures, as well as to provide support to the population affected by this crisis especially the low income enployees in the tourism sector.

He further expressed that the families of those hit hard by the crisis would get support for daily necessities and consumables. The Association has also been assisting in the past during times of need, as social responsibility.

Along with President Lama, General Secretary Kul Bahadur Gurung, Secretary Tikaram Gurung, Treasurer Sudarshan Neupane and Secretariat Member Shiva Bahadur Sapkota, among others were also were present in the ceremony.

The original article can be found here.

Survey of effect on Nepal’s mountain tourism due to COVID 19

On 7 April, the NMA launched a survey to investigate the impact of Covid-19 on the country’s tourism industry.

Please kindly accept warm greetings from Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA).

COVID -19, which emerged from China, making entry to other Asian countries and then Europe as well as other nations of the world, has made tremendous loss to us. Now it has become the common enemy of our human community.

We are well aware about the effect caused due to epidemic COVID-19. Among the affected sectors, tourism is regarded as the most one. The scale of loss in tourism and how it will affect our whole economic cycle still remains to be researched. NMA- the only alpine club of Nepal, working for the promotion of mountain tourism, is conducting survey on the effect of mountain tourism due to epidemic COVID-19.

Pleas visit the link and answer all the questions mentioned on the form before 15 April 2020. This online form is circulated to all the resource members of NMA.

I would like to assure you data collected through this form will be used to measure the scale of loss in the mountain tourism only and will remain confidential. Just for your kind information this survey data will be provided to the government of Nepal MoCTCA.

I do hope all the resource members will cooperate us in filling up survey form and submit it to us.

Stay home, stay safe.

Kul Bahadur Gurung
General Secretary
Nepal Mountaineering Association