Anaylsis: WWF’s Living Planet Report 2020

In early September, the WWF produced its 2020 Living Planet Report. Its contents make interesting reading for organisations like the UIAA, and its members associations, involved in mountain-based activities and initiatives.

The headline of the communication which accompanied the release of the report read: WWF’s Living Planet Report reveals two-thirds decline in wildlife populations on average since 1970 (For precision, the population sizes of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles have seen an average drop of 68% since 1970.)  There is also analysis of this data per region.

The Report also confirms that causes of this alarming decline include the same environmental destruction – such as deforestation, unsustainable agriculture and the illegal wildlife trade – which contributes to virus outbreaks like COVID-19. The WWF is calling for urgent action to set nature on a path to recovery 2030 by ending the destruction of natural habitats and reforming our food system.

Further Reading
WWF 2020 Living Planet Report
Media Summary
Official WWF communication
WWF Living Planet website
UIAA & Mountain Protection