The 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is being held in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October – 12 November 2021.

The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26. Further details ‘COP26 Explained’ are provided here.

Since COP21 in Paris in 2015, the UIAA – the International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – has had a regular presence at the conference. Spearheaded by its Mountain Protection Commission, this forms part of the UIAA’s active involvement in international events and initiatives related to climate change and the mountain environment. This includes activities related to the MoU between the UIAA and the United Nations Environment Programme signed in 2020.

UPDATE: On 4 November, the UIAA announced that it has become a signatory and launch partner of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism.

The UIAA has also published two statements related to its commitment to Climate Change projects – 2015, aligning with COP objectives2019, a summary of Climate Change commitments following the 2019 UIAA General Assembly.

This year the UIAA is involved in the following events:

Snow and ice in climate change– how to create resilience against worsening impacts of disasters and changing water availability
1 November 2021, Glasgow UK (Cryosphere Pavillion) and online
Carolina Adler (Mountain Research Initiative & UIAA Mountain Protection Commission President) presenting (virtually) as a panellist
Event link

A Fragile Future: Can mountain communities adapt to climate change?
8 November 2021, Glasgow UK (Cryosphere Pavillion) and Geneva Cryosphere Hub (COP26 satellite venue) and live streamed online
Carolina Adler chairing the session in Geneva and presenting in-person on climate change adaptation
Event link

The UIAA is also represented in the Sustainable Summits Conference documentary for COP26. This will be premiered on Tuesday 9 November. The film will also be released on the Sustainable Summits YouTube and their website shortly after the premiere. The UIAA will share the video on its social media channels.

The official trailer can be found below:

The UIAA will also be present at the following side event:

Transforming our World: Childrens’ Voices for 2050
4 November 2021, University of Glasgow and online (virtual)
Carolina Adler presenting virtually on “The UIAA Mountain Protection Award: engaging the next generations for action on sustainability through climbing and mountaineering”
Event Link

UIAA webinar
The UIAA will host its own Mountain Network Series webinar on Friday 3 December dedicated to its Mountain Protection Award. Featuring contributions from the Mountain Protection Commission and project partner Bally, the winner of the 2020-2021 Award will be announced and insights given into how the projects showcased as part of the award directly engage the climbing community with mountain protection. The event will coincide with activities organised for International Mountain Day, 11 December.