The UIAA has published its Carbon Footprint Report for 2020.

This report outlines the results of ongoing monitoring and reporting of the UIAA’s carbon footprint, which is in response to the federation’s signed commitment in early 2019 and participation under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Sports for Climate Action. This is the third annual Carbon Footprint Report (CFR) published by the UIAA. Reports for 2018 and 2019 can be found here.

The Report tackles the background to producing an annual CFR, scope, limitations in data collection, methodology and a detailed breakdown of results.

Concluding Remarks

The sum of UIAA CO2 emissions generated in 2020 is 145.62 tonnes, compared to 353.33 tonnes in 2019 and 365.56 tonnes in 2018. However, a direct comparison of these two figures does not provide for an accurate representation to compare one year to another, since the underlying conditions and factors that lead to the respective CO2 emissions generated in any given year, differ. It mostly depends on the location and format of annual meetings and the place of travel origin of meeting delegates. Far-off meeting locations generate more CO2 emissions, yet at the same time, it is centrally located meeting destinations that are attended by more representatives, thus also spiking the amount of emissions generated.

Nevertheless, the resulting figures give much opportunity to further reflect on those activities that generate the most emissions, compared to all others that are part of the core operations of the UIAA as an organisation. 2020 was a special year, as the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in most meetings to either get cancelled or moved to an online format. Many travel policies to reduce CO2 impact promote the principle of “avoid, reduce, compensate” in that order. The UIAA, through the support and participation of its Mountain Protection Commission and the newly created UIAA Climate Change Task Force, will seek to draft such as policy as a next step in its fulfilment of the five principles set out by the UNFCCC.

For further details on the UIAA’s commitment to mountain protection and sustainability click here.

Main photo: Credit, MacGillycuddy Reeks European Innovation Project, Runner-Up / 2020-21 UIAA Mountain Protection Award.