Participate in the deglaciating mountain landscapes survey

The following article and link to a survey has been shared by the Mountain Research Initiative, a partner of the UIAA. UIAA member associations, and indeed  climbers and mountaineers, are encouraged to participate and support this essential research.

Help us better understand adaptation and transformation in deglaciating landscapes across the globe by providing your local knowledge.

Shrinking mountain glaciers are uncovering huge new landscapes. Within the framework of different projects lead by the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), the Mountain Sentinels Collaborative Network, the Institute for Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS) at ETH Zurich, the University of Texas at Austin, and the Colorado State University, we are trying to better understand adaptation and transformation in deglaciating landscapes across the globe, taking into account both social and ecological processes and their interactions.

As an expert in a mountain region, you have knowledge of the challenges and opportunities of deglaciating landscapes in your region and may be connected with stakeholders. Therefore, we have created a short survey and would appreciate your contribution. Your responses will help us gain a better understanding of the adaptation and transformation potential in these new emerging landscapes.

The 15-minute survey is available in Spanish and English and will remain open until 31 August 2022.

Click here to access the survey.

Original article.

 Cover image by Anaïs Zimmer