Over 250 volunteers support the UIAA whether as part of its Executive Board, Management Committee or Commissions. Gergo Santha (MHSSZ, Hungary) has served the UIAA for the past year supporting aspects of the federation’s work in training. He also currently acts as Head of Training within the Hungarian Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation.

Gergo Santha’s relationship with the UIAA began in his home city of Budapest, when he was introduced to Training Panel members at a UIAA Mountaineering Commission meeting in 2018.

Having made a presentation about the federation’s future goals within Training, he was invited to join the Mountaineering Commission by Pavlos Georgiades (Vice President of the Mountaineering Commission and President of the Youth Commission).

Prior to volunteering, Gergo was familiar with much of the UIAA’s work, especially its internationally renowned Training Panel (as of October 2022, a Commission).

With a professional background in chemical engineering and currently employed within the IT industry, Gergo also has an extensive climbing background which provided him with knowledge of both the UIAA Safety Label, as well as the fundamental values and principles of mountain sports as outlined in the Tyrol Declaration.

Gergo has been an active climber for over 30 years. Preferring the more adventurous aspects of climbing, he is an active alpine and winter climber, having climbed extensively in the Bernese Oberland, Scotland, as well opening two new routes on the Eiger.

This background, and his thirst for keeping up with the latest techniques and method, along with a particular interest in experiments and tests, have helped him lend his expertise to the Commission.

His early years within the UIAA saw him support up the work of the Mountaineering Commission and now the Training Commission, and in 2022 he conducted an inspection visit to Denmark on behalf of the latter. As part of his role within the Hungarian Federation, Gergo is currently involved in the implementation of a modular training scheme.

Gergo’s passion for the work of the UIAA means he commits as much time as is needed to whatever project he is involved with.

He views the work of the Commission as essential given the ever-changing nature of climbing. With a myriad of information – often misleading – readily available on the internet, Gergo believes the role of the UIAA is more important than ever.

“Climbing techniques and methods are in constant change,” he says. “What was true in the past is not necessarily true in the present. By checking sources such as Instagram and Facebook can lead to confusion as to which technique is correct, which is why the Training Commission (and UIAA Safety Commission), with its great expertise is able to help answer these questions.”

Main photo: Gergo at the Eiger North Face


#1 – Klara Dvorakova (Czech Republic)
#2 – Lionel Kiener (Switzerland)
#3 – Pierre Humblet (Belgium)
#4 – Nikolay Primerov (Russia/Switzerland)
#5 – Buddha Basynat (Nepal)
#6 – Harshwanti Bisht (India)
#7 – Juan Jesús Ibañez Martin (Spain)
#8 – Mrika Nikҫi (Kosovo/Albania)
#9 – Greg Moseley (South Africa)
#10 – Stephen Gladieux (United States)
#11 – Joop Spijker (Netherlands)
#12 – Marija Andjelkovic (Serbia)