The UIAA Management Committee held its first meeting of 2023, an online session, on Saturday 11 February.

In his opening address, UIAA President Peter Muir remarked on some of the UIAA’s recent achievements:

“I’m pleased to say that on most projects we are making progress. Of course, some matters are progressing more quickly than others but overall we’re moving forward. Recently this has included the extension of the partnership with the Youngone Corporation for the UIAA Ice Climbing World Tour as well as the continued progress of the Ice Climbing Working Group in overseeing a smooth and successful season. I’d also like to remark on impressive progress in our financial review and the work being done to improve the UIAA’s election procedures.”

Nominations/election procedures: A review of UIAA nominating procedures relating to all elections (President, Executive Board, Management Commission, Commission, Court) has been made. A set of standard operating procedures has been introduced taking into consideration Articles of Association (AoAs) and current regulations. Another area of focus is ensuring the UIAA attracts the right candidates for vacant positions and that voting delegates have access to more information on the skills and capabilities of candidates. The UIAA will also be more specific when defining the criteria and job descriptions of positions and the skill sets required. This, in turn, will help member federations be better positioned in proposing the most appropriate candidate(s). Furthermore, the intention is to provide greater access to information on candidates ahead of elections including opportunities to meet candidates whether in-person or online beforehand. The next call out for nominations will be 24 February for Commission delegates and seats open for Commission Presidents and vice-Presidents. The deadline is 7 April 2023.

Upcoming meetings: The next UIAA Management Committee meeting will take place in Leeds, England as part of the UIAA spring meetings from 4-9 May. The event will be organised by the British Mountaineering Council (BMC). It will comprise the following meetings: UIAA Executive Board, UIAA Management Commission, UIAA Commissions and the EUMA General Assembly.

The first of a new concept will be held after the spring meetings (date to be announced). This will be an online invitation to all UIAA member associations from the UIAA President. The online meeting will address UIAA progress in fields of sustainability and assessment of current projects and working groups. It will also allow members to voice their interests and concerns to the UIAA platform with an open the floor for feedback.

The UIAA Management Committee will also hold an online meeting in August.

Following delegate feedback, the UIAA General Assembly in 2023 in Trabzon, Turkey will run an extra day with the Management Committee commencing on Thursday 19 October. The  GA itself will be held on the Friday 20 October and Saturday 21 October with an optional cultural programme after the meetings. The provisional timetable allows for meetings for the Executive Board, Commission Presidents, Management Committee, the General Assembly, the Second UIAA Climate Change Summit and the 2023 UIAA Mountain Protection Award ceremony.

Main photo: The city of Leeds, England will host the UIAA Spring Meetings