Register for 2023 Youth Mountaineering camp in Romania

Registration for the 2023 UIAA Youth Mountaineering camp in Romania is open. The camp will take place from 27 August – 3 September in the Făgăraş Mountains, also known as the Transylvanian Alps. The event is open to young climbers from 18-30 years old. Participants should be comfortable in climbing UIAA grade IV and have basic knowledge in abseiling (if opting for the harder routes; easier alternative routes will be available). Please note that only eight places are available.

The main goal of this seven-day event is explore and discover the multitude of secondary ridges in the high alpine environment of the Făgăraş Mountains. The majority of routes chosen for this undertaking will require the implementation basic scrambling and/or climbing as well as the use of mountaineering gear.
The camp is organized by the Cluj branch of the Romanian Alpine Club.
The event programme and registration details can be viewed here.

Further details are available on the Romanian Alpine Club website.

Photos courtesy of Cristina Cucu