The UIAA Medical Commission is currently working on the revision of a number of papers, led by volunteer teams of dedicated and skilled experts.

MedCom would like to credit the following individuals for their hard work and commitment:

Completed Project – UIAA Altitude Sickness Video

Full members

Urs Hefti (SUI, SAC, UIAA Medical Commission President) – lead
David Hillebrandt (UK, BMC)
Marieke van Vessem (NED, NKBV)

Corresponding members

Alison Rosier (AUS, – )
Steve Roy (CAN, FQME)

Ongoing Project – Women in Mountaineering paper revision

Full members

Lenka Horakova (CZE, CMF)
Kaste Mateikaite (LIT, LMA)
David Hillebrandt (UK, BMC)

Corresponding members

Marija Andjelkovic (SRB, UIAA Anti-Doping Commission President)
Dominique Jean (FRA, – )
Peter Paal (AUT, ÖGAHM)
Alison Rosier (AUS, – )

External experts

Jacqueline Pichler Hefti (SUI)
Susi Kriemler (SUI)
Linda Keyes (USA) – lead
Mia Derstine (USA)
Beth Beidleman (USA)

Ongoing project – Children Going to the Mountains paper revision

Full members

Matthias Hilty (SUI, SAC) – co-lead
Rianne van der Spek (NED, NKBV) – co-lead
Lenka Horakova (CZE, CMF)

Corresponding members

Steve Roy (CAN, FQME) – co-lead
Dominique Jean (FRA, – )

External experts

Deborah Miller (UK, Pediatrician)
Tim Saunders (UK, Pediatrician)
Giacomo Strapazzon (ITA)
Peter Barry (UK)

Ongoing Project – Paper on specific High Peaks and Mountain Ranges (*)

Full Members

George Rodway (USA, AAC) – lead
Norihiro Kamikomaki (JAP, JMSCA)
Inigo Martinez Soteras (ESP, FEDME)
Eduardo Vinhaes (BRA, CMBE)

Corresponding members

Alireza Behpour (IRN, IMSCF)
Tomaz Goslar (SLO, PZS)


Peter Bourne (UK, UIAA)
Yudai Nomura (JAP)

(*) Please note this is a new initiative and more members will be added the lifecycle of the project