Mission Statement

The International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA) was founded in 1932 and from 1 January, 2023 will have a global presence on six continents representing 94 member associations and federations in 69 countries.

The UIAA promotes the growth and protection of mountaineering and climbing worldwide by:

preserving their spirit and traditions

advancing safe and ethical mountain practices

promoting responsible access, culture and environmental protection

supporting youth participation and the Olympic movement


The UIAA is the International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation. As the leading global network, we promote climbing and mountaineering and advocate for access to climbing areas and mountain ranges. While looking to our future, we value our heritage and care for the mountains, their fragile ecosystems, vulnerable communities and cultures. We serve the best interests of our member federations and of our worldwide community. For the climbers. For the mountains. For the World.

General Assembly

The annual General Assembly makes the decisions concerning the UIAA’s role, its activities and its budget. It also elects the President, the Executive Board and members of the Management Committee. The work of the UIAA is supported by a secretariat located in Bern, Switzerland.

Articles of Association

The Articles of Association (AoA) define the purpose of the UIAA and the principles its activities are based on. They explain the rights and responsibilities of its member associations and describe the powers and duties of its organisational bodies: the General Assembly, Management Committee, Executive Board, Commissions, Auditors and Court.

The articles were last revised at the 2019 UIAA General Assembly which took place in Cyprus.

Olympic Vision

The UIAA has been recognised by the International Olympic Committee since 1995 as the international federation representing mountaineering and climbing. The federation is committed to upholding the Olympic values and creating a better world through sport. In strengthening its position within the Olympic movement, the UIAA’s goal is to ensure ice climbing becomes part of the official Olympic competition programme.

Our History

Detailed UIAA History


Foundation &

Early Years

The history of the UIAA began in Chamonix, France in August 1932, when 20 mountaineering associations met for an alpine congress. They decided to found an international federation which would be in charge of the “study and solution of all problems regarding mountaineering”. No small task one could say.

One of those problems was the lack of a universal climbing grade system, which was finally resolved with the creation of the UIAA climbing grade 40 years later. Count Charles Egmond d’Arcis from Switzerland became the first president and he gave the new federation the name UIAA – Union Internationale des Association d’Alpinisme.

Between 1933 and 1939 the UIAA produced more than 25 detailed written reports on various topics. Many of these are still relevant for our organisation today, such as mountaineering education for youth groups, avalanche studies and the protection of mountains.

Despite increasing political instability, 11 organisations met for a General Assembly in Zermatt, Switzerland nine days before the outbreak of the Second World War. During the war, however, there was little contact between the members, although some could get in touch with the UIAA by post.


UIAA extends influence

When peace came, President d’Arcis made a great effort to reconstruct the federation. He believed that mountaineers and the UIAA could have an important role in the “moral reconstruction of the world”. In 1947 the UIAA had its first post-war General Assembly, and by 1950 it had grown to represent a total of half a million climbers. The UIAA bulletin was created in 1957 and the development of safety standards and the testing of ropes started in 1960. The first rope testing machine was in fact invented by the head of the UIAA Safety Commission.

Another significant measure in the 1960s was to stop a proposed Italian project to construct a cable car to the summit of the Matterhorn and a Swiss plan to build a railroad to the top of the Jungfrau. Both of these protests were successful, but the UIAA could not prevent other projects, such as the construction of cable cars in France (Aiguille du Midi to Col du Géant connection) and Switzerland (Mount Pilatus).

UIAA 1932 Poster
Poster from the founding 1932 meeting in Chamonix, France

Original Logo



A Family Affair.

Some fifty years ago, in an inspired moment, a universal seal of approval was born.  The UIAA logo which is recognised today around the world as a symbol of excellence, quality and safety was the spontaneous creation of a boy named Oliver, the son of Jean Juge, then vice-president of the UIAA Ropes Commission

Under some pressure to come up with a logo that would be the “Seal of Approval” for mountaineering equipment, Juge turned to his son for help. He asked Oliver to draw a mountain. Juge added the circle and the letters UIAA inside it.

The logo stands for the values of the UIAA including love freedom, respect, risk awareness, decision-making and willpower, said Juge.

Within an hour, father and son had finalized the concept and the logo was registered in Switzerland that same year and internationally a year later.

That mark of safety came to be associated with the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation in the decades to come until 2001. That’s when the UIAA General Assembly decided the organization needed an improved symbol for the public and sponsors.

Many different proposals were received, but two years later, the General Assembly in Berchtensgaden, Germany decided to go with the familiar Safety logo with some minor modifications.

The circle was adjusted and the letters UIAA was placed below the mountain that Oliver drew.

The UIAA is also committed to Olympic ideals of fair play and international cooperation.  For many young mountaineers, seeing that logo, which father and son drew, is their first encounter with the UIAA.


Safety Label launched

In 1960 the UIAA Safety Label for mountaineering equipment was created, and it was approved internationally in 1965. The Label required a logo, and as the job had to be done quickly, committee member J. Juge asked his son to draw a mountain, then added the letters UIAA and the circle. Mountaineers now knew what symbol to look for when buying equipment, and for many young mountaineers, seeing that logo is their first encounter with our federation.


Environmental commitment

In the 1970s and early 1980s, there was an increased awareness of the environmental impact of mountaineering, which in 1982 resulted in the UIAA Kathmandu declaration; a call for action against the degradation of mountains. The Safety Commission developed standards for carabiners, helmets and harnesses and in 1982 the golden anniversary was celebrated in Chamonix and Kathmandu. Another important issue was access to mountains. The UIAA also agreed on a 7th grade of difficulty on the climbing scale.


Growth of competition sports

In the early nineties, the first climbing competition World Cup was held, laying the ground for our competitive sports. There was an increased awareness about ethical issues related to mountaineering and the General Assembly unanimously adopted a motion against sightseeing flights in mountains. In 1995, the International Olympic Committee confirmed that the UIAA was recognised as the federation representing mountaineering sports. The UIAA also published a multilingual dictionary of mountaineering terms, making it easier for climbers from different countries to communicate. In 1999, the UIAA’s International council for ski mountaineering competitions (ISMC) was created and in 2003 a commission for ice climbing competitions was formed. In 2002 the UIAA published a “Summit Charter” describing the values and principles of the organisation. In this decade an 8th grade on the UIAA scale was also created.


Changing times

After some turbulent years of struggle between representatives of competition sport climbing and representatives of traditional climbing the UIAA made the decision at the 2006 General Assembly to allow the competitive part of sport climbing to leave the federation. This lead in 2007 to the founding of an independent international federation for sport climbing competition, the IFSC. In 2008 the members of the UIAA ski mountaineering competition council decided by one vote difference to leave the UIAA and create a separate international federation, the ISMF.  Ice climbing competitions remained a part of the UIAA. The UIAA has organized the UIAA World Ice Climbing Tour – in partnership with The North Face Korea – since 2002. The competition is held across three continents and comprises up to six events. In 2007 the UIAA celebrated its 75th anniversary and counted 85 member federations worldwide.


New frontiers

In 2009, the UIAA at its General Assembly approved the Mountain Ethics Declaration, a code for mountaineering values, spelling out sportsmanship ethics and respect for cultures and the environment.

The return of the alpine clubs from German and Austria have almost doubled the UIAA’s membership and we continue to forge ahead with new initiatives that stay true to its principals.

These activities include the popular Global Youth Summit event series that the UIAA organizers with support from Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations (ARISF), a Mountain Medicine Diploma program, a Mountain Protection Award, the Mountain Qualification Label  and since 2015, the UIAA Rock Climbing Festival Awards. In 2018, the UIAA began a new strategic review of its position with the scope of shaping the future of the federation.

Roll of Honour

UIAA Presidents

1932–1964 Count Charles Egmond d’Arcis

1965–1968 Edouard Wyss-Dunant

1969–1972 Albert Eggler

1973–1976 Jean Juge

1976–1984 Pierre Bossus

1985–1989 Carlo Sganzini

1990–1995 Pietro Segantini

1996–2004 Ian McNaught-Davis

2004–2005 Alan Blackshaw

2005-2006 Pierre Humblet (acting)

2007–2011 Mike Mortimer

2011–2012 Jordi Colomer (acting)

2012– 2020 Frits Vrijlandt

2020– Peter Muir 


UIAA Office
c/o Schweizer Alpen-Club SAC
Monbijoustrasse 61
Postfach CH-3000
Bern 14

T: +41 (0)31 370 1828
E: office@theuiaa.org

Get in touch

UIAA org chart Aug 2017 simplified

UIAA Organisation Chart (Extended Version) 

Org chart correct as of UIAA General Assembly 2022


The Board is elected for a four-year period and consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary General, Treasurer and currently three other members. Together they carry out the decisions made by the General Assembly, control finances and support both the commissions and office staff.

Peter Muir,

Zoljargal Banzragch,
Vice President

Amit Chowdhury,
Vice President

Lode Beckers,
General Secretary

Martin Lascano,

Mahmood Hashemi,

Françoise Jaquet,

UIAA Management Committee

Members are elected for a four-year period and consist of the Executive Board, representatives from the five largest member associations, one representative from each continent and three to five representatives elected by the General Assembly. They make recommendations to the General Assembly on matters such as budget and admission/expulsion of member associations. In addition, the Management Committee creates projects, oversees the work of commissions, assigns responsibilities and has the power to dissolve commissions.

The Management Committee came into being with the Articles of Association on 1 January, 2008. Its functions are described in the current Articles of Association.

The Management Committee is responsible for implementing all the policy directives and decisions made by the General Assembly. This includes preparing the agenda for the General Assembly and the preparation of the annual accounts.

The Management Committee also makes recommendations to the General Assembly about long-term strategies for the UIAA, rules and regulations that are voted on by the General Assembly. This includes the admission of new members, the creation and dissolution and the tasks of Commissions, the appointments of a President of each Commission upon recommendation of the Commission itself, recommendations for any proposed changes to these Articles of Association, recommendations on the terms and conditions of contracts to be concluded with third parties, membership issue and to decide the official means of information of the UIAA.

Management Committee Membership

As confirmed by the UIAA General Assembly (October, 2022)


Executive Board
Peter Muir (President), Canada
Zoljargal Banzragch, Mongolia
Lode Beckers, Belgium
Amit Chowdhury, India
Martin Lascano, Argentina
Mahmood Hashemi, Iran
Françoise Jaquet, Switzerland

Largest Federation Representatives
Jean Miczka, France
Josef Klenner, Germany
Juan Jesús Ibáñez Martín, Spain

Continental Representatives
Africa: Paul Carstensen, South Africa
Asia: Young Hoon Oh, Korea Republic
Central and South America: Willy Montenegro, Chile
Europe: Anne Arran, United Kingdom
Oceania: Stuart Gray, New Zealand
North America: Phil Powers, United States

Representative Members
Simon Alden, Malta
Joachim Driessen, Netherlands
Kul Bahadur Gurung, Nepal
Steve Long, United Kingdom
Stein Tronstad, Norway

Please refer to 2022 Calendar.


The work of the UIAA is conducted through the work of its commissions which consist of members who volunteer their expertise in a particular field of mountaineering. The commissions are: Anti-DopingIce ClimbingMedical, Mountain Protection, Mountaineering, Safety and Youth. Their work includes managing Training Standards, the Safety Label, the Mountain Protection Award, Respect the Mountains, the global youth event series, the UIAA Ice Climbing World Tour and issues relating to access, mountain medicine and anti-doping.

The UIAA Court

According to its Statutes, the UIAA Court decides about:
a) conflicts of competence and other possible disputes between the UIAA, UIAA members and bodies;
b) disputes between UIAA member associations;
c) conflicts between a UIAA-related party and a non-UIAA-related party (e.g. a potential UIAA member association), if the regulations of the non-UIAA-related party or a specific agreement provide for.

Court Members

The UIAA Court comprises President Pierre Humblet and three other elected members
Pierre Humblet

Denis Poncelin

Marco del Zotto

Franz Stämpfli

Continental Organisations

The UIAA recognises continental organisations in Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Asia: Union of Asian Alpine Associations, (UAAA)

Europe: EUMA (European Union of Mountaineering Associations)

Latin America: Pan-American Union of Mountaineering and Climbing (UPAME)


The staff working in the UIAA Office in Bern, Switzerland are responsible for running the daily operations of the UIAA.

Nils Glatthard
Director of Operations


Stephanie Stettbacher 
Office Coordinator & Safety Label Administrator


Peter Bourne
Communications Consultant


Rob Adie
Sports Event Coordinator & Project Manager


Agnès Semelet


Carol Kahoun
Project Manager


Tom Tushaw
Social Media



Below is a list of the UIAA’s principal project partners. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a partner of the UIAA.



International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA / UIAGM / IVBV)

Sport Accord


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