Tribute to the late Stefano Tirinzoni

Stefano Tirinzoni, member of the UIAA Management Committee, passed away on April 29 at the age of 62 after a long illness. He worked as an architect and in urban planning in his home town of Sondrio, Italy, and he had a special interest in the field...

UIAA condemns building of hotel in South Africa protected area

The UIAA Access and Mountain Protection Commissions have condemned the development of a luxury hotel in South Africa’s Magaliesberg Protected Environment (MPE). The construction of the Kgaswane Country Lodge is being fought by the Magaliesberg Protection Association (MPA), which is supported by other organisations including the Mountain Club of South...

Sweden moves forward on Access issues

The Swedish Climbing Federation (SKF) has produced a sign on Right of Public Access that it will put up at crags throughout the country in 2011, in cooperation with local clubs. Through its Access Commission, the UIAA supports such moves by mountaineering federations to introduce Best Practices. In...

UIAA initiates dialogue to reduce climbing red tape

Leading members of the global climbing community have discussed the concerns of climbers and challenges of undertaking expeditions to high and remote mountain ranges. The frank and open debate took place on the sidelines of the 2010 UIAA General Assembly in Bormio, Italy on October 8....

New climbing routes made at Norway meet

New routes and new friendships were made by the climbers from 15 different countries who met in Lofoten, Norway between March 8 and 15. The international climbing meet, organised by the Norwegian Alpine Club, gave the 40 participants the chance for mixed ice and rock climbing...

Call for Jammu and Kashmir to be re-opened

The Access and Conservation Commission has called on the tourism authorities in Jammu and Kashmir to re-instate infrastructure to allow for the resumption of mountaineering. “We owe it to our Indian colleagues in the UIAA to attempt a realistic and sober assessment of the risk involved,” said Commission...

Access situation on Everest

The expeditions planning to ascent Everest this spring are facing problems. Permits are currently not being issued either by Chinese or Nepali authorities. The UIAA Expedition Commission is using their contacts in Tibet and Nepal to stay updated and we will pass on any information we...