Young Olympic ascent

You might not be going to Beijing this summer, but you still have the chance to be a part of the Olympics. As part of the Global Youth Summit, we are inviting young mountaineers to ascend Mount Olympus (mt.2917), Greece. The ascent to the top will...

Access situation on Everest

The expeditions planning to ascent Everest this spring are facing problems. Permits are currently not being issued either by Chinese or Nepali authorities. The UIAA Expedition Commission is using their contacts in Tibet and Nepal to stay updated and we will pass on any information we...

Ski mountaineering World championship a success

The UIAA congratulates UIAA Ski-Mountaineering and the Swiss Alpine Club on the great success of the 4th Ski-Mountaineering World Championship, organised in Portes du Soleil in Switzerland. Working under difficult meteorological circumstances, a dedicated group of volunteers from the Swiss Alpine Club ran a series...


Shin and Bendler Ice climbing winners

This weekend, 8-10 February, the second stage of the UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup was held in Busteni, Romania. The winners were Woon-Seon Shin from South Korea in the Women's Difficulty discipline and Markus Bendler, Austria, in the Men's Difficulty. The big surprise of the event...


Eco Everest Expedition dedicated to Hillary

Dawa Steven Sherpa, mountaineer and mountain guide, is dedicating his Eco Everest Expedition 2008 to "Sir Ed Hillary's vision for the Khumbu and her people". The purpose of the expedition is to raise awareness of the impact of climate change and melting glaciers in the...


Uncovering new peaks of Tibet

Japanese mountaineer Tamotsu Nakamura last autumn led an expeditions into the deep gorge country of southeast Tibet. During the expedition Nakamura photographed and mapped many unclimbed peaks. He has kindly given us the chance to show you the photos, which you will find in our Expedition...

A farewell to Sir Edmund Hillary

After the death of Sir Edmund Hillary, the UIAA office has received many messages paying tribute to the great mountaineer. Message from Ang Tshering Sherpa, President of the Nepal Mountaineering Association:  Dear Friends: It is with a heavy heart that I wish you Namaste and offer my Greetings from Nepal …..  Sir...


Mountain film festival in Georgia

If you are in Georgia between 18 February – 3 March 2008, you have the chance to visit the Tbilisi International Mountain, Adventure and Extreme Film Festival Niamori. Both professional and beginner film makers will present their documentary films on themes such as hiking, extreme sports,...


Sir Edmund Hillary dies

The UIAA is saddened to hear the news that Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the two first people to climb Mount Everest on the 29th May 1953, has died. Hillary was an Honorary member of the UIAA and a big inspiration to climbers all over...