Celebrating Mountain Day in Japan

On 11 August, the people of Japan were able to take a new public holiday – national Mountain Day, a celebration of the country’s rich geography and splendid mountain regions. Climbing and mountaineering are among the most popular outdoor pursuits in a country which boasts a...

2015, Seoul (South Korea)

All our websites are aesthetically engaging and user friendly, crafted locally by our design team. But best of all, we customise them to your specifications. Whether you are a creative looking for a portfolio site, or a local business looking to get ahead in the digital space, just choose a design you like and we do the rest.

2014, Flagstaff (United States)

All our websites are aesthetically engaging and user friendly, crafted locally by our design team. But best of all, we customise them to your specifications. Whether you are a creative looking for a portfolio site, or a local business looking to get ahead in the digital space, just choose a design you like and we do the rest.

2013, Pontresina (Switzerland)

All our websites are aesthetically engaging and user friendly, crafted locally by our design team. But best of all, we customise them to your specifications. Whether you are a creative looking for a portfolio site, or a local business looking to get ahead in the digital space, just choose a design you like and we do the rest.

UIAA members and mountain hut exchange

The summer months are upon us in the northern hemisphere and present the perfect opportunity to explore the many diverse activities mountains regions have to offer. If thinking about exploring the mountains for a few days and nights, a reminder that member federations of the UIAA...

Joining forces in climbing and mountaineering

The UIAA is delighted to announce its collaboration with camptocamp.org Camptocamp.org is a multi-language site dedicated to mountaineering, rock and ice climbing, ski-touring, snowshoeing and hiking. The platform offers various services for climbers and mountaineers, including an interactive guidebook of routes and itineraries across the globe for a range of...