Ang Tshering SHERPA

2016 is proving to be another busy year for the UIAA Youth Commission and its series of Global Youth Summit (GYS) events ...

UIAA mourns the death of mountaineer Roger Payne

The UIAA is saddened by the tragic death of Roger Payne, former general secretary of the British Mountaineering Council (BMC), who was killed in an avalanche 12 July 2102 on Mont Maudit in the Chamonix region of France along with eight other climbers. "It's very sad news...

Latin American climbing officials meet in Argentina

Edgar Usaga, president of the Federación Costarricense de Deportes de Montaña (FECODEM) was chosen president of the La Unión Panamericana de Montañismo y Escalada (UPAME) at a meeting in Argentina which discussed a number of issues including cross-border issues in the Andes mountains and the work of the UIAA. Other officials...

Mountaineering competition to take place in the Pamirs

An international mountaineering competition takes place in the Pamirs July and has attracted teams from a number of countries including Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Belorussia, France, Croatia and Iran. The event starts on 3 July and ends on 22 July 2012 in the mountains of Zamin-Karor...

Grivel to become sponsor of the UIAA

Grivel, one of the world’s leading mountaineering equipment manufacturers, has become one of the sponsors of the UIAA (International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation). "Grivel and UIAA have the same environmental and ethical goals,” said Grivel's owner Gioachino Gobbi about the sponsorship deal that was signed in...

Acting UIAA president Jordi Colomer on the year ahead

Jordi Colomer who is the Acting President of the UIAA Board discusses the year ahead for the organization. Colomer comes from Barcelona, Spain and has been a member of the UIAA’s Expedition and Mountaineering Commissions; he was President of the International Ski Mountaineering Committee from 1999...