UIAA General Assembly 2011

On October 8th, the UIAA celebrated the General Assembly in Kathmandu, Nepal kindly hosted by our member federation  the Nepalese Mountaineering Association (NMA).  It was a great honor for the UIAA to have the Assembly opened by the President of Nepal, Ram Baran Yadav . President...

Italian climbing legend, Walter Bonatti, dies

Walter Bonatti, one of the greatest mountaineers of the 20th century - and UIAA honorary member, passed away on September 13 in Rome. Walter Bonatti was born on 22nd June, 1930 in Bergamo, Italy. His first big ascent was the north face of the Grandes Jorasses...

The “enduring legacy” of Alan Blackshaw

Former UIAA president Alan Blackshaw passed away on August 4 in hospital in Inverness, Scotland. He was born in Liverpool on April 7, 1933. The following tribute to Blackshaw about his contributions to the UIAA is by Dave Morris, a former President of the UIAA Mountain...

UIAA to reaffirm commitment to Kathmandu declaration

Ahead of the 2011 UIAA General Assembly in Kathmandu, Nepal (October 5-8), the UIAA President, Mike Mortimer, spells out the reason for holding the event in the Himalayan nation and the challenges facing the world’s international mountaineering body. Nepal: How important is it to hold this...

First summitter of Kanchenjunga dies

Patron and former President of the British Mountaineering Council (BMC), George Band, who made the first ascent of Kanchenjunga and was on the 1953 Everest expedition, died on August 26 at his home. Read the obituary on the BMC website....

Who is eligible for hut reciprocity discounts?

There are almost 1,200 mountain huts offering accommodation for a total of 66,000 people in the entire alpine region – from Slovenia to France, including the Pyrenees. Those eligible to benefit from reciprocity are offered the same overnight rates as members of the hut-owning associations;...

The facts and economics of mountaineering in Nepal

Ang Tshering Sherpa, Immediate Past President of the Nepal Mountaineering Association provides detailed mountaineering facts and figures in Nepal. His exhaustive study not only provides statistics and highlights exceptional climbs but also tries to show the economic importance of the sport to Nepal’s economy. Here...

Members see UIAA as modern and reliable

Earlier this year, the UIAA asked Member Federations to help define the future direction of the international mountaineering body over the next five years. The results of the survey are encouraging with more than 75 per cent of UIAA Members taking the time to complete the...

French mountaineers publish manifesto

The French Mountaineering and Climbing Federation and other key mountaineering and climbing stakeholders in France have published a manifesto to promote a common vision for the future of mountain practices: This manifesto (Assises de l'Alpinisme. Read English version here) is the result of the work initiated...

French efforts to maintain freedom of risk taking

The following article was provided to the UIAA by Annibale Salsa, past president of Italy's CAI, Claudio Picco and Carlo Zanantoni. It is a summary of a recent mountaineering symposium in Grenoble, France and touches upon the issue of restrictions on the freedoms of access...