Hepatitis/HIV risk for climbers?

What is the risk of blood-borne infections being transmitted to climbers? The UIAA Medical Commission attempts to answer this vital question in its latest advice paper. “Sustaining cuts, abrasions or lacerations, typically on the fingertips in contact with holds, is a common occurrence in climbing,” say...

Advice paper issued on hypoxia

The UIAA Medical Commission has published a new paper that offers health and safety advice on hypoxia. More and more people – no longer just climbers at high altitude - can be affected by hypoxia, a condition in which the body is deprived of an adequate...

MedCom to discuss Everest deaths, mountain medicine

The UIAA Medical Commission will tackle an array of topics at its meeting in Nepal from November 15 to 17. The talks will range from a review of deaths on Everest climbs to a discussion of care for altitude sickness. The commission, a panel of doctors from...

Latest advice on neurological disorders and medical contracts

he documents on the disorders and contracts for expedition doctors are the latest in a series of recommendation papers published by the UIAA Medical Commission. The “Travel to Altitude with Neurological Disorders” paper looks at different neurological conditions and the problems they may cause at altitude. It assesses...

Medical Commission gives advice on contraception at altitude

The document, the latest part of a series of recommendation papers by the commission, is a valuable source of information for women going on expeditions, especially to altitude. It provides the most up-to-date information on the topic. (see "Advice and Recommendations" page). A lot of women...

UIAA doctor gives Kilimanjaro ascent advice

A UK member of the UIAA Medical Commission has compiled an easy-to-understand document on how to stay safe and healthy when ascending Kilimanjaro. The document can be downloaded here. Doctor Jeremy Windsor has gathered information and tips aimed at the thousands of mountaineers wanting to stand...

Better communication to improve mountain medicine

Doctors from 15 countries have met in the Czech Republic to discuss mountain medicine and how to better spread accurate information amongst UIAA members. The UIAA Medical Commission held their annual meeting near Teplice nad Metuji on October 2, where they exchanged research, experiences and  developments...