Climbing and Conservation in Spain. An open debate.

A recent video production from Spain provides an interesting insight into the mountain access debate and the sometimes complex relationship between climbing and conservation. The video is titled ‘Prohibido escalar’ (No Climbing) and available to view below (in Spanish with English subtitles). The video opens with the explanation that Spain...

A Mountain Protection Rendezvous

In mid May, and during the same weekend as the UIAA Management Committee session, the UIAA Mountain Protection Commission held both its annual meeting and organised a joint meeting with the UIAA Access Commission. The meetings were held in Baku, Azerbaijan and hosted by FAIREX. UIAA Mountain Protection...

Foundation for ecotourism being laid in the Pamirs says UIAA Mountain Protection Award winner

UIAA Mountain Protection Award Winner - Pamir Horse Adventure from UIAA - Climbing & Mountaineering on Vimeo. Aslisho Qurboniev, 29, hails from Khorog, Tajikistan, which is nestled in the Pamir Mountains. In 2010 Quboniev founded Pamir Horse Adventure, a community-based ecotourism company that promotes and encourages sustainable tourism in the...

Tajik horse tour operator in the Pamirs wins UIAA Mountain Protection Award

NEWS RELEASE 20 October 2014, BERN, Switzerland:  The 2014 UIAA Mountain Protection Award has been awarded to Pamir Horse Adventure, a Tajikstan-based community tour operator, for its conservation and tourism development initiatives in the Pamir Mountains. The award was given today at the Kiku. International Mountain Summit by Dr. Carolina Adler, a...