Eco Everest Expedition 2011 successful

The Eco Everest Expedition 2011, under the leadership of Dawa Steven Sherpa, succeeded in efforts to clean and collect garbage, debris and waste left by past expedition groups. The following report was provided by Dawa Steven's father, Ang Tshering Sherpa, of the Nepal Mountaineering Association, and...

Doug Scott: Embodying the spirit of modern Alpinism

British climber Doug Scott tells the UIAA about his contributions to mountaineering, the challenge of preserving traditional climbing and the importance of the Piolets d’Or award for encouraging innovation and exploration. Scott is the 2011 recipient of the Piolets d’Or Lifetime Contribution Award – only the third climber...

To bolt or not to bolt, discussed at Mountaineering Commission meeting

UIAA Training Standards and attempts to find a global consensus on bolting were two of the highlights discussed at the meeting in Moscow of the Mountaineering Commission. The following report is from Phil Wickens, commission secretary: The UIAA Mountaineering Commission met in Moscow, Russia, in November 2010. The...

UIAA initiates dialogue to reduce climbing red tape

Leading members of the global climbing community have discussed the concerns of climbers and challenges of undertaking expeditions to high and remote mountain ranges. The frank and open debate took place on the sidelines of the 2010 UIAA General Assembly in Bormio, Italy on October 8....

Alpine Journal editor goes on Swiss odyssey

Editor of the American Alpine Journal, John Harlin III, is attempting to become only the second person to encircle Switzerland, following its largely mountainous border. “According to simple map-distances, I’ll cover roughly 800 kilometres by bicycle and kayak and 1,000++ kilometres on foot—including lots of technical...

New classification system for reporting injuries

The UIAA Medical Commission has released a new recommendation to improve the reporting of mountaineering injuries. In the past, the expert panel says, “objective reporting of the injury site and its severity varied according to the injury definition and methodology used”. This led to different conclusions...