The Rowell Award For the Art of Adventure

The UIAA is to become a Friend of the Rowell Award For the Art of Adventure. The award is given to an "adventurer whose artistic passion illuminates the wild places of the world, and whose accomplishments significantly benefit both the environment and the peoples who inhabit these...

Towards UIAA unit membership for Ski mountaineering

At the Extraordinary Plenary Assembly of the ISMC (UIAA Ski-mountaineering) on February 27th 2008 in Champéry, Switzerland, it was unanimously decided to take the first step in the process to work towards Unit membership of the UIAA. This new category of UIAA membership was created...

Return to Noshaq

"Imagine if no one could get to Everest or K2 - what would happen to mountaineering and trekking in Nepal or Pakistan? What would happen to the people who live around those peaks? Afghanistan faces this situation today. Its highest peak, Noshaq (7492m), is virtually...

A farewell to Sir Edmund Hillary

After the death of Sir Edmund Hillary, the UIAA office has received many messages paying tribute to the great mountaineer. Message from Ang Tshering Sherpa, President of the Nepal Mountaineering Association:  Dear Friends: It is with a heavy heart that I wish you Namaste and offer my Greetings from Nepal …..  Sir...


2016 is proving to be another busy year for the UIAA Youth Commission and its series of Global Youth Summit (GYS) events ...