Welcome to the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – Donate page

Using this resource – businesses, partners, members and individuals – can support the UIAA on a one-off or ongoing basis by donating to specific projects or causes.

Through its Commissions, the UIAA spearheads a number of key initiatives including:

  • Creating and developing safety resources for climbers and mountaineers
  • Protection of the mountain environment
  • Encouraging youth development
  • Mediating in access issues
  • Supporting mountain communities

You can support the UIAA as a whole or specific areas or projects.

Projects you can support are detailed below and will change on a regular basis


Every quarter, the UIAA promotes a cause from one of its member federations. The latest appeal comes from Türkiye.

As the British Red Cross reported: “On Monday 6 February at 4:17am local time, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey (Türkiye) near the city of Gaziantep, devastating parts of Turkey and Syria. It was followed by a series of powerful aftershocks. On the same day, at 13:24 local time, a second earthquake (M7.5) hit the Elbistan district around 80 miles north of Gaziantep. Rescuers raced to save people trapped beneath the rubble, and get shelter and support to those in Turkey and Syria who had lost their homes or were afraid to return inside. Then, on 20 February, two weeks after the first earthquake, there was another 6.4 magnitude earthquake near Antakya in Turkey (an area already severely affected by the first earthquakes), again followed by significant aftershocks. More lives were lost as further buildings collapsed. So far, it’s been reported that more than 50,000 people have died as a result of the earthquakes, with many thousands more injured.”

The Turkish Mountaineering Federation (TDF), a UIAA full member, played a significant part in the rescue operation, offering climbing equipment, volunteer resources and also financial support.

As detailed in Outside, Dr Ersan Başar (photo above), TDF President, put out an immediate appeal via WhatsApp asking for volunteers to help with the rescue efforts. As Outside reported: “The TDF could organise the necessary travel permissions from regional governors in the affected areas.”  Approximately 750 TDF members from across Türkiye supported the rescue efforts. The Outside article tells the story of Polat Dede whose team, experienced in high mountain environments, pulled around 12 people alive from the rubble.

Outside continues: “The search and rescue techniques that Dede and his friends had learned from their years of mountaineering proved invaluable. So did their physical stamina from endurance training.”

The UIAA recently spoke to Dr Başar to gain a more detailed understanding of the rescue operation. He explained: “The TDF reacted as soon as the earthquake happened. We were in the field at the first opportunity. Initially our search and rescue team were in the field for ten days. For our rescue teams, significantly affected by what they witnessed, we provided a lot of psychological support. As well as being on the frontline in terms of rescue we took part in delivering aid to victims and then at a third stage directly supporting young people and organising social programmes to help a carve a pathway back to normality.”

The 2023 UIAA General Assembly will take place in Trabzon, Turkey from 20-21 October as scheduled. During the GA, the TDF will present details of its rescue operations and ongoing support to the victims of the tragedy.

The UIAA has opened its fundraising resource to collect donations which will be given to the TDF during this year’s GA. 

“We thank the UIAA and the wider climbing and mountaineering community for their support,” adds Dr Başar,“donations will go towards purchasing new search and rescue equipment because a lot of our equipment was damaged or destroyed. Funds will also be spent on helping the TDF clubs directly impacted.”

All images courtesy of the TDF


In response to the growing issues faced by mountain workers and guides in the expedition and trekking industry, a situation further exacerbated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the demands of adventure tourism, the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – established a Mountain Worker Initiative (MWI) in 2021. The MWI’s brief is to establish, disseminate and support guidelines for ethical trekking, mountaineering and company outfitters worldwide, beginning with a collaborative effort in Nepal.

The associated MWI fundraising resource will also collect donations to support mountain workers. This includes the family of Muhammad Hassan, a 27-year-old porter from Pakistan, who tragically died on K2’s Bottleneck in August. The circumstances of Muhammad’s death gathered significant global media coverage. Several climbers tried to help Muhammad and stayed with him until he passed away. Others were reported to have ignored his plight and ventured on.

The UIAA has a strong code of ethics which includes point 7 of its Climbers’ Manifesto which reads: ‘I will help others in need wherever practical, even if it means not reaching a summit or achieving my personal goals.’

Part of the donations received by the MWI will be ring-fenced for the family of Muhammad Hassan. The UIAA calls on the climbing and mountaineering community to support this initiative. The UIAA will liaise with the Alpine Club of Pakistan in ensuring donations reach Muhammad’s family.



The need for sound medical advice in the mountains has never been greater as more and more people around the world participate in climbing and mountaineering adventures both on the amateur and professional level. The role of the UIAA Medical Commission, through its recommendation papers, advice pages and the Mountain Medicine Diploma is to give the best possible advice through its network of mountain medicine experts, all medical doctors.

More recently, the UIAA Medical Commission focused on turning important recommendations into visual content to reach even more mountain goers and help prevent injury and illness on expeditions, climbs and hikes. A first video on Water Disinfection in the Mountains was successfully launched in March 2021. To support more videos of its written recommendations, the UIAA Medical Commission depends on further support. Any money donated towards ‘MedCom Videos’ will be placed into funding future video projects of the UIAA Medical Commission.

For further details please contact Carol Kahoun, carol.kahoun@theuiaa.org



The UIAA began supporting ClimbAID in early 2019. ClimbAID is a non-profit organisation founded in September 2016 in Zurich, Switzerland which focuses on humanitarian projects with an emphasis on climbing and other alpine sports activities. In particular, ClimbAID focuses on the holistic development of youth into autonomous, social, self- and environmentally aware actors. ClimbAID brings the joy of climbing to communities impacted by war and poverty.

The link below will direct you to ClimbAID’s own donate page.



CAC is a not-for-profit charity that raises awareness and funds for cancer research through the worldwide climbing community.

The charity was created by the late John Ellison, a British climber who after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, established a charity that has since raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from climbers and mountaineers. In May 2014, Ellison was honoured by the UIAA at a meeting of the UIAA Management Committee in Munich. Ellison was feted for his outstanding efforts to bring together the global family of climbers and mountaineers to raise funds for research to fight and beat cancer. The UIAA has supported CAC ever since.

The following link will direct you to CAC’s own Donate page.



At any one time the UIAA Donate page will provide the opportunity to support at least five projects and initiatives run by the UIAA, its members or its partners. On a seasonal basis, projects will be replaced to provide the opportunity for the UIAA to raise awareness about different causes. Should you wish to make a more general donation to the UIAA, you can select the option ‘General Support’. You can then provide details in the Comments box on how you wish your donation to be spent (for example to a project or Commission not currently promoted on the page). If you wish the donation to be managed by the UIAA it will be assigned to the most pressing and urgent causes at that given time. Donations can also be made on a regular, or one-off, basis.

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