Coordination Montagne seeks partners for Alpine Style Week

A message to European UIAA member federations from Coordination Montagne.

The French national coordination for mountain activities (Coordination Montagne) is working on projects related to youth participation and mountaineering.

Based in Grenoble, French Alps, the Coordination Montagne wants to use the 50th anniversary celebration of the 1968 Olympic Games to promote mountain activities among the youth. We are working on an Alpine Style Week in April 2018. This will be a weeklong European project gathering 12 partners from 12 different countries with young people from 14 to 17 years old. We are not only looking for experienced youngsters but also for young people not used to practicising mountain activities. This project is based on the experience of the GHM with the Piolets Jeunes ( We also work on this project with the FFCAM, FFME and UCPA.

The goal is also to use mountain activities as a mean to work on two issues: gender inequalities in mountaineering (your group must have an equal repartition between boys and girls) and global warming in mountains areas. We will run conferences and expositions on these topics during the week.

The project must be sent to the European Commission on 5 April 2017. We have to quickly engage the clubs motivated by the project.

The European funds will cover 80% of the costs for traveling, accommodation and activities (during the week, and for your group preparation). It’s a great opportunity for kids to practice mountaineering and discover new culture without financial constraints.

If you are interested, please read the call for partners attached here. You can register your organisation directly on this online formular.

If you have any questions, please contact César Ghaouti, director of the Coordination Montagne:

M: +33 476 517 541

Further information:

Main Image: Photo credit: Loin des yeux via / CC BY-NC