Opinion position on Preacclimatisation for Expeditions to Extreme Altitude

Published by High Altitude Medicine & Biology on 17 April 2020, members of the UIAA Medical Commission have written an opinion position titled ‘Preacclimatisation for expeditions to extreme altitude’. The article was compiled during the Commission’s most recent meeting, held in Bolzano, Italy, November 2019. The paper tackles the subjects of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) prevention and intermittent normobaric hypoxia preacclimatisation.

The full article, made freely available online courtesy of High Altitude Medicine & Biology, can be viewed here.


The authors would like to thank the UIAA members who attended the meeting for their contributions: Giancelso Agazzi, Corrado Angelini, Martin Burtscher, Eckhart van Delft, David Hillebrandt, Lenka Horakova, Norihiro Kamikomaki, Hidenori Kanazawa, Thomas Küpper, Kaste Mateikaite, Giulio Sergio Roi, Alison Rosier, Rianne van der Spek, Marieke van Vessem.

Further Reading

UIAA Medical Advice

Main photo: Mianzimu 6054m E face, Meili Snow Mountains, Yunnan. Courtesy of UIAA honorary member Tom Nakamura