UIAA member associations from across the globe have shared information and resources related to Covid-19 and climbing.

The UIAA’s own Covid-19 Crisis Consultation (CCC) Taskforce will hold its next online meeting on 14 January. The Taskforce will discuss the escalating issues in certain countries and the impact and progress of vaccination programmes. Following the meeting, the UIAA will publish its latest international guidelines and advice for climbing.

Below is a summary of information recently provided by UIAA members. Please note information is subject to change and climbers should always refer to the latest advice provided by governments and other competent authorities in the respective countries.

UIAA members wishing to contribute to his page with information are invited to contact news@theuiaa.org

Argentina, La Federación Argentina de Ski y Andinismo (FASA)

FASA provides its members and those looking to climb in Argentina with access to an information portal with the latest rules and regulations.

Canada, Alpine Club of Canada (ACC)

On its Hut bookings portal, the ACC offers reminders about the latest Covid-19 rules.

France, Fédération Française des clubs alpins et de montagne (FFCAM)

FFCAM provides website resources dedicated to Covid-19 rules and guidance for outdoor sports and for visiting huts.

Germany, German Alpine Club (DAV)

The DAV has created its own Covid-19 portals ‘Mountains at home’ and ‘Mountain sports in coronatimes’ The latter focuses on huts and climbing gyms.

Ireland, Mountaineering Ireland (MI)

Mountaineering Ireland provides clear guidance on the latest government rules concerning outdoor activities.

International, International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA)

The IFMGA offers a breakdown of the rules for a number of the countries represented by its membership. Please note that not all information is the latest.

Nepal, Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA)

In Nepal, where tourism and the trekking industry have been severely impacted, the NMA recently ran an online conference uniting key stakeholders on the subject.

Netherlands, Royal Dutch Mountain Club (NKBV)

The NKBV also offers its membership with general advice with a particular focus on visiting neighbour countries and mountain regions.

Norway, Norwegian Climbing Federation (NKF)

The NKF offers guidance (with a much-needed hint of humour) on the outdoor activities which are currently possible under current restrictions.

Portugal, Federacao De Campismo E Montanhismo De Portgual (FCMP)

The FCMP provides clear links to the latest government guidance and medical reports.

Switzerland, Swiss Alpine Club (SAC)

The SAC has provided regular guidance to its members (in three languages) with specific information providing on mountain huts.

United Kingdom, British Mountaineering Council (BMC)

The BMC has shared the latest guidance for England, following the government’s decision to implement a third national lockdown.

United States, American Alpine Club (AAC)

The American Alpine Club’s regular ‘practical beta on climbing in the Covid era’ reports remind climbers about their responsibilities and offer guiding principles.

The UIAA’s Covid-19 Portal can be viewed here.