UIAA Respect the Mountains, 2016 Programme

The UIAA is delighted to announce the provisional calendar for the 2016 UIAA Respect the Mountains Series.

The UIAA Respect the Mountains project, supported by KEEN, comprises a series of events organized across Europe aimed at promoting a sustainable mountain environment for future generations. These events encourage local sport enthusiasts, mountain visitors, tourists and outdoor sport companies to actively participate. Each event is wrapped in a fun one-day experience consisting of a morning clean-up action, followed by lunch and outdoor sport activities.
The UIAA incorporated the long running and successful Respect the Mountains project into its sphere of sustainability activities during the autumn of 2015. The projects goals through its 7-ways programme are aimed at:
– Raising awareness for sustainable environmental practices and spread the word within the outdoor community;
– Preserving mountain ecosystems and cultures in their natural state for future generations;
– Promoting sustainable mountain tourism and activities; and
– Educating the next generation of mountain explorers and encourage them to be sustainable followers.

2016 Provisional Events Calendar

The following events have already been provisionally planned for 2016.

16, 18 June, Spain


26 June, United Kingdom

North Wales, Snowdonia National Park

3 July, Italy

Civitella Alfedena, National Park – Abruzzo-Lazio-Molise

10 July, Germany

Freiburg, Schwarzwald

20 July, Austria

Tirol, Mayrhofen-Hippach

11 August, France


19-20 August, Russia

Mount Kazbek

26 August, France


Further details about each event will be communicated in due course. To help organize an event please contact mountainprotection@theuiaa.org

Among the supporters of the UIAA Respect the Mountains campaign is Dutch climber Peter Boogaard, who in April begins his quest to climb Mount Everest, the last of his Seven Summits. Peter is active in teaching young climbers about sustainable practices and will use his expedition to promote the campaign. Further details of Peter’s mission are available here.

For your company, body or organization to become a partner – or get involved in the UIAA Respect the Mountains project – please contact the UIAA at 

For more information please click here


