Members Area

Welcome to our members area, dedicated to the UIAA’s 90 member organisations from 67 countries on six continents, inspirational honorary members and UIAA-supported charities. Here you will find information about our members, details on how to become a member, the latest member association news, information about member mountain hut exchange and about upcoming events including the annual UIAA General Assembly.

Member News

Mountain Culture

The UIAA’s constellation of international member federations enjoy close ties with, or in many cases run, some of the world’s most important and famous alpine museums, libraries and collections of mountain records.

UIAA Member Culture
CANADA: Whyte Museum

Since its inception in 1958, the Whyte Foundation has used its endowment to preserve the art, culture and history of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. It welcomes those who are drawn to the power and inspiration of the Canadian Rockies.

GERMANY: Alpine Museum

The Alpine Museum in Munich, Germany run by the German Alpine Club is a rich repository of the history of German mountaineering. It has a library of climbing and mountaineering books and regularly holds lectures and events.

ITALY: Museo Nazionale della Montagna

The Museo Nazionale della Montagna “Duca degli Abruzzi” commands splendid panoramic views of a large sweep of the Alps and the city of Turin. The idea of creating a museum arose in 1874 among the first members of the Italian Alpine Club (Club Alpino Italiano).

NEPAL: International Mountain Museum

The International Mountain Museum in Nepal record, documents and chronicles the past and present development of mountaineering activities in the world in general and the history of mountaineering in the Himalayan peaks in particular.

SLOVENIA: Slovenian Alpine Museum

The past and the future go hand in hand at the Slovenian Alpine Museum which contains a rich collection of items with diverse historical stories, rich photographic and archive material about the popularity and importance of the mountaineering in Slovenia.

SPAIN: Servei General d’Informació de Muntanya

This document centre began as a project in 1974 by a group of friends to classify records about Spanish and especially Catalan alpinism. The centre is a labour of love with a 10,000 books library, specialist publications, map and photo collection on on a variety of mountaineering subjects around the world.

SWITZERLAND: Swiss Alpine Museum

The Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern re-opened in 2012 and contains a history collection of mountain photography, cartography, and exhibits such as Switzerland, the Mountains and the Swiss Alpine Club and the Himalayan Report: Mountaineering in the Media Age.

UNITED KINGDOM: The Alpine Club Library

The Library which was founded in 1858, in the first year of the Club, has a collection of over 30,000 books, magazines, club journals, expedition reports and rare historic material and maps. It also provides access for members to the Club’s collection of World Maps.

UNITED STATES: American Alpine Club Library

The Henry S. Hall Jr. American Alpine Club Library is located in Golden, Colorado and its librarians will help you find the information you’re looking for even if you’re across the globe. Established in 1916, the AAC Library is one of the oldest alpine libraries in the United States.

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