Dr Carolina Adler appointed Executive Director of Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)

UIAA Mountain Protection Commission President Dr Carolina Adler will assume the role of Executive Director of the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) from May 2017.

The MRI – http://mri.scnatweb.ch/en/ – now at the Swiss Academies of Sciences, is a multidisciplinary scientific organization that addresses global change issues in mountain regions around the world through concerted efforts, diverse communication formats and various networking events. The role of the Executive Director is to guide and realise the vision, mission and goals of the MRI, and help define a research agenda that responds to the knowledge needs of societies in mountain regions.

“I’m very excited with the prospects that this new role presents, not least because I can devote my time, scientific expertise and focus exclusively on contributing to mountains and its people,” explains Dr Adler. “It is a passion and conviction that has driven me to also ‘give back’ to the mountaineering community via the work I do as President of the UIAA’s own Mountain Protection Commission, and I see these two roles as complementary, an incredible opportunity to realise a fruitful synergy. Mountaineers around the world have unique knowledge and expertise on issues related to mountains, for example through first hand experiences and observations on the impacts that our retreating glaciers and other global change phenomena have on local communities and also for our sport, as well practical knowledge of “what works” in such extreme and challenging environments. I see a great opportunity to bring these diverse knowledge together in a meaningful and genuine manner. Together with scientists, we can look to better inform the sorts of urgent solutions and responses needed to deal with global change in mountains, including our own impact on mountains! This will be the essence of my work, and the sort of contribution and participation that I envisage for our federations and the millions of mountaineers that we represent”. 

If UIAA member federations have ideas or proposals for joint collaboration or research needs (regardless of topic or focus) related to Mountain regions, please contact the UIAA Mountain Protection Commission.

Further details on the UIAA Mountain Protection Commission can be found here.