European Court of Justice (CJEU) update on private climbing centres

Dear Member Federations,

We are sharing an update from the European Court of Justice (CJEU) validating a recent decision made by the European Commission against private climbing centres. The ruling considered that the public aid granted to the DAV (German Alpine Club) was compatible with the regulations of the internal market.

These measures of aid are deemed not to impair competition because they address a market failure. This decision is of great interest to the vast majority of our EU-based members as it concerns in equal measure their activities related to climbing walls, ski as well as refuges and trip organisation.

The court papers are available from the following link in French and German. document/document.jsf?text=magic%2Bmountain&docid=179743& pageIndex=0&doclang=FR&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid= 956396#ctx1

More information can be found on DAV website (in German): 10706/artikel_die_ oeffentliche_foerderung_von_ dav-kletterhallen_ist_ zulaessig.html