After nearly ten years Joachim Driessen’s tenure as President of the Royal Dutch Climbing and Mountaineering Club (NKBV) recently came to an end.

He has been succeeded by Peter Valkenburg. See NKBV story here.

Joachim Driessen (main photo, UIAA General Assembly in 2018) has overseen a period of growth and progress at the NKBV particularly in the areas of competition sports and sustainability. The NKBV is one of the largest and most active UIAA member associations counting some 65,000 members of its own and contributing a number of volunteers to UIAA Commissions.

The UIAA wishes Peter Valkenburg every success in his new role. As a member of the Management Committee, Joachim Driessen will continue to lend expertise to the UIAA.