This page is dedicated to national climbing and mountaineering organizations interested in becoming a member of the UIAA.

Become A Member

How to join the UIAA

The UIAA does not accept individual memberships. Only national climbing and mountaineering associations are eligible to join the UIAA as Active Members.

For each country, only one mountaineering association has the full right of vote at the annual UIAA General Assembly. More than one mountaineering association from a country can become an Associate Member without voting rights, except on financial matters, provided they are of national or relevant regional importance. A decision on the admission of such associations will only be made after consultation with the member association which holds the voting rights of the relevant country and having due regard to that association’s comments. The UIAA also has Observer Members who do not have the right to vote but are eligible to participate in certain services such as the training standards courses for an additional fee.

Become A Member

What are the Benefits of Joining The UIAA?

Member organizations become part of a global organization recognized by the International Olympic Committee. They are united by their passion for climbing and mountaineering and a commitment to improve all aspects of the sport including health, equipment, safety, competition climbing, access and the preservation of the mountain environment.

More specifically, member federations gain the following privileges:

  • Eligibility for subsidized access to the UIAA Mountain Qualification Labels for leaders and instructors in climbing, mountaineering, ski-mountaineering and hill-walking. Observer Members who do not have the right to vote are eligible to participate in Training Qualification Labels courses after payment of an additional fee of 800 Swiss Francs (CHF) on top of the usual course fee. This additional fee is not applicable to Active and Associate Members.
  • Option of sending athletes to compete in the UIAA Ice Climbing World Tour and the UIAA World Youth Ice Climbing Championships.
  • Participation in the development of international standards, as part of the UIAA Safety Label, setting the highest standards for climbing and mountaineering equipment.
  • Members can send participants to subsidized UIAA Global Youth Summit climbing and mountaineering events around the world.
  • Sit on UIAA Commissions that work year-round on Access, Anti-Doping, Ice ClimbingMedicalMountain Protection, Safety and Youth.

Apply to Join the UIAA

How Much Does it Cost?

Membership fees are on a sliding scale and calculated based on the number of members that belong to an individual federation.

The minimum fee for 0-300 members is 508 Swiss Francs (CHF) while the maximum for the federation with around one million members is approximately 23,000 Swiss Francs (CHF). In general matters, members are entitled to have 1 (one) vote. However, on financial, membership and admission issues, voting rights are calculated based on the number of members per federation.

How to Apply

To apply to become a member, please send the following information to the UIAA office:

  • A complete and signed application form
  • Proof that your association has existed for at least two years (for example audited accounts, published annual reports etc).
  • A deposit of 500 Swiss francs.

For more information please read the following two documents:

The UIAA Articles of Association which provide more details about admission fees
The membership matrix that outlines rights and obligations of UIAA members

Email for further information

Become a Member of the UIAA

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