Mountaineers protecting mountains

Has your federation worked with land owners to preserve mountain areas? Then you could help mountain communities by sharing your experiences.

Linda McMillan from the American Alpine Club is helping to produce a book with “Guidelines for Mountain Communities”, giving advice to mountain communities impacted by migration. Linda’s part of the book gives information on how climbers, mountaineers, skiers, and other recreationists and their organisations are successfully working with land managers to preserve and protect mountain areas.

If you have any examples from your federation of mountaineers and climbers working with communities to protect mountain environments, Linda would be happy to use your experiences as examples. In this way, we can spread the word on how UIAA members are “part of the solution, not part of the problem” when it comes to mountain protection.

If you can have any questions or information to share, please contact Linda 

The “Guidelines for Mountain Communities” is being produced in connection with the international conference  “Understanding and Managing Amenity-led Migration in Mountain Regions” which will be held at the Banff Centre in Alberta, Canada May 15-19: