Eco Everest Expedition 2011 successful

The Eco Everest Expedition 2011, under the leadership of Dawa Steven Sherpa, succeeded in efforts to clean and collect garbage, debris and waste left by past expedition groups. The following report was provided by Dawa Steven’s father, Ang Tshering Sherpa, of the Nepal Mountaineering Association, and Asian Trekking:

Apa Sherpa, Climbing Leader of Eco Everest Expedition 2011 reached the summit of Mt. Everest on May 10 for the 21st time – a new world record with the message of “Stop Climate Change”. He joined Eco Everest for his 18th, 19th,· 20th and 21st Summit of Mt. Everest in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.· Apa said he is committed to support the efforts of Dawa Steven Sherpa, leader of the Eco Everest Expedition to bring awareness to the world community about Climate Change and to help remove old garbage from the slopes of Mt. Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) – our sacred mountain.

Having succeeded in the Eco Everest Expedition 2008, 2009 and 2010, the Eco Everest Expedition 2011 was organized under the leadership of Dawa Steven Sherpa and Apa Sherpa.

The Eco Everest Expedition was organized successfully for three consecutive years to create international awareness about the impact of Climate Change in the Himalayas and the lives of the mountain communities. That is why the expedition uses highly successful alternative energy solutions like the parabolic solar cookers, solar energies for lighting and the SteriPENs for water purification and also encourages other expedition teams to use them. It focuses on climbing in an eco-sensitive manner and field testing different eco-sensitive methods to be adopted while climbing in the Himalaya.

Besides this, Eco Everest Expedition also focuses on cleaning of Mt. Everest and it seems somehow successful in this task. Since 2008 until today Eco Everest Expedition has brought down more than 13,500 kilos of previous expedition garbage and more than 400 kilos of human waste produced by Eco Everest Expedition from Mt. Everest for proper disposal. Also four died bodies recovered and brought down from the mountain for a dignified burial and funeral.

The main sponsors of Eco Everest Expedition 2011 garbage collection program were Asian Trekking Pvt. Ltd and The North Face.

Dawa Steven Sherpa and his Eco Everest Expedition team are continuing this initiative to create awareness among the local people and among the climbers to help keep Mt. Everest and the Himalayan Mountains clean. Eco Everest Expeditions have been taking a message to “stop climate change” as it destroys the Himalayan environment and threatening the lives and livelihoods of the mountain communities.