Management Committee of the UIAA approves new process for validation of training standards

The UIAA Management Committee, in a bid to enhance a much sought after service to member federations, has approved a set of proposals for voluntary Training Standards  to be delivered as a professional service.

The call for such a service was rated as the number one priority of member federations in the strategic plan survey in 2011 which outlines a road map for the UIAA until 2016.

The approval in a recent meeting in Budapest, Hungary, sets in place the groundwork for a process that will see trained experts conduct training  around the world based on the new UIAA approved Training Standards process.

The proposal involves  seven activities including hill walking, rock climbing (adventure climbing), sport climbing, snow shoeing, ski touring and high alpine climbing.

A new web portal will be launched through the UIAA website ( for automation of the process of applying for Training Standards early next year.

The current list of approved validations for members can be found here. The next UIAA led Training Standards seminar will be held in Chile in September 2012.

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