
The UIAA believes that everyone should be able to freely walk and climb in mountains and other areas of environmental and recreational value. But sometimes access is restricted through war, landowner restrictions or regulation. The UIAA Access Working Group understands that access rights must be balanced by responsibility and care for the mountain landscape, bio- and geo-diversity and the cultures and people of the mountains.

Access News


    During May’s UIAA spring meetings in Leeds, a special workshop was held to discuss several different access case studies from around the world. Over the coming weeks, the UIAA will share a number of these compelling stories. Following on from a cas...


    The UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – has published its 2022 Annual Report. Anybody interested in receiving a printed copy can do so by filling in the following form. Please note that there is a limited print run and ...


    Recently the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – hosted its spring meetings in Leeds, England. The five-day event included meetings of the UIAA Executive Board, Management Committee, Commissions as well as a numb...


    The UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – spring meetings were held in Leeds, England in early May. In addition to meetings of the UIAA Management Committee, Commission Presidents, individual Commissions and several worksh...

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Best Practices

These downloadable documents provide best practice information for climbing, mountaineering and walking access. The documents have been produced primarily by UIAA member federations such as the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) and the Federación Española de Deportes de Montaña y Escalada (FEDME). They are aimed at the general climber, others at land managers, and all of the documents can be used by activists and UIAA Member Federations as a basis for access work in their own countries and climbing areas.

Access and Conservation Strategies

Setting up working groups to resolve access issues can be an issue by itself. Here are some access and conservation strategies for climbing areas which involve setting up good communication systems to public access agreements and good practices.

Argeos Charter

The late Stefano Tirinzoni, a member of the UIAA Management Committee and Italian Alpine Club (CAI), was instrumental in creating the Argeos Charter, a simple set of guidelines for sustainable mountain tourism in countries where mountain tourism is still in its infancy.

Bird Restrictions Leaflet

The UK is internationally recognized for its wintering, migratory and nesting birds and for over 30 years the BMC has worked with conservation bodies to produce this informative climbing restrictions leaflet. There is a general acceptance amongst conservation bodies and landowners. Restrictions can change during the breeding period, and the BMC’s Regional Access Database (RAD) plays an important role in providing up-to-date information for climbers. The RAD is a searchable database of all the crags with special access and conservation considerations, including all the agreed nesting restrictions for England & Wales – why not log-on and check it out?

Bouldering Poster

A fun poster by the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) which lists the 10 commandments to follow while bouldering. Includes “Leave vegetation in place – no gardening please.”


Canyoning is a sporting activity that consists of making your way by walking and/or swimming along a series of canyons or ravines, torrential rivers or mountain streams, using specific techniques and your own resources. Some useful guidelines from FEDME about canyoning in protected areas.

Climbing Management Plan

The Access Fund is the only national advocacy organization whose mission keeps climbing areas open and conserves the climbing environment. A 501(c)3 non-profi t supporting and representing over 1.6 million climbers nationwide in all forms of climbing—rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, and bouldering—the Access Fund is the largest US climbing organization with over 15,000 members and affiliates.

Climbing in Sweden

Some sound advice from the Swedish Climbing Federation. They hope you have a great day in front of you but remind you that you climbing is an activity that comes with great responsibility. The ground rule is: don’t disturb – don’t destroy.

Federation Policies

The British Mountaineering Council (BMC) has produced a series of policies such as the ones on Environmental Policy, Climate Change Policy while the Scottish Mountaineering Council has produced an explanation on how climbing is conducted in Scotland.

Footpath Construction

The work of the British Upland Footpath Trust is to provide the highest standard of footpath work. This booklet draws together the expertise of craftsmen skilled in footpath construction and restoration in many different mountain settings across Britain.

Running: Good Practices for holding mountain races in protection natural areas 

Experts from the UIAA member federation FEDME (Federación Española de Deportes de Montaña y Escalada) have collaborated with a number of bodies, notably Europarc-Spain, in producing a document which underlines the good practices for holding mountain running competitions in protected natural areas. The document is available to download in English here.

UIAA Access

The UIAA Access Working Group, part of the Climbing & Mountaineering Development Commission, works with international associations, and supports UIAA member federations and others to facilitate access to areas while being sensitive to environmental, social, legal and other considerations.

The WG:

  • Promotes the freedom to practice mountaineering and climbing in a responsible manner as a fundamental human right.
  • Provides advice, with supporting documentation, on the relationship between mountaineering and climbing and environmental, social and legal considerations.
  • Encourages best practice in harmonising access with these considerations, and support member federations in challenging inappropriate restrictions.
  • Liaises with international organisations on access and conservation issues and provide assistance, when requested, to member federations on such issues within their own countries.
  • Fosters research in support of the commissions aims.
  • Provides regular articles on important issues to the UIAA website and other publications concerned with mountaineering and climbing issues.
  • Is present and represented at major international conference where access and conservation issues are discussed.

Access Working Group Membership

As confirmed by the UIAA Management Committee (November 2021)
Access is now part of the Mountaineering Commission


Milosz JODLOWSKI, Poland (PZA), Chair

Raluca ANA, Romania (CAR)

Hank HWANG, Chinese Taipei (CTMA)


Goran NIKOLOSKI, North Macedonia (FPSM)



Hussein BAGIROV, Azerbaijan (WCU)

Jack BERGIN, Ireland (MI)

Nelson BRUGGER, Brazil (CBME)

Alexandru COMAN, Romania (CAR)

Esteban DEGREGORI, Argentina (FASA)

Hamidreza IZADI, Iran (IMSCF)

Hitoshi ONODERA, Japan (JMSCA)

Joao Paulo QUEIROS, Portugal (FCMP)

Richard Grant SHERRY, South Africa (MCSA)


Mahmood HASHEMI, Iran (IMSCF) – Full Member

Ulrike KIEFER, South Africa (MCSA) – Full Member

Ilina ARSOVA, North Macedonia (FPMS) – Corresponding Member

Alfredo PEREZ, Mexico (FMDMYE) – Corresponding Member

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