As reported in several international news outlets over the past few days, including the BBC, French authorities have issued a decree restricting access to the summit of Mont Blanc. The reasons are related to overcrowding and ‘safety and public order’ risks.

As the BBC reports, the current restrictions, related to the peak’s ‘Royal Route’ will be imposed for eight days from 14 July. The restrictions mean that only climbers who can prove that they already have a booking at the high-altitude shelter known as the Gouter will be allowed to set out for the top of Mont Blanc via the easiest and most frequented route.

UIAA member federation, FFCAM confirmed the restrictions on its website: “Access to the Mont Blanc summit via the Goûter refuge is subject to a temporary restriction (Arrêté Préfectoral n°2018-0070 PREF/CAB/SIDPC).

This access, beyond the Glacier of Tête Rousse, is only permitted to people who can justify a reservation at the refuge of Goûter, the only lodging solution on the route.

Original statement in French:

L’accès au sommet du Mont Blanc via le refuge Goûter est soumis à une restriction temporaire (Arrêté Préfectoral n°2018-0070 PREF/CAB/SIDPC). Cet accès, au delà du Glacier de Tête Rousse, n’est autorisé qu’aux seules personnes justifiant d’une réservation au refuge du Goûter, seule solution d’ébergement sur l’itinéraire.