The impact of Covid-19 will be felt for many months, and even years to come. The climbing industry and outdoor world will be significantly affected. Cancellation of competitions, entire climbing seasons and expeditions; loss of sponsorship income and other revenue streams; the closing down of huts, hotels, resorts and restaurants (temporary and permanent); restrictions on access and transport; and not to mention the human impact – illness, job losses, financial concerns – present many challenges for those whose livelihood depends on climbing and mountaineering as well as for member associations and the UIAA.

To support the climbing community and for the remainder of 2020, the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – has allocated the member association component of its Donate page as a fundraising resource for the global climbing and mountaineering community.

Any donations made towards ‘Covid-19’ will be placed into the fund. At the UIAA General Assembly in 2020, the UIAA Management Committee, on the recommendation of the CCC Taskforce, will nominate a cause or causes for the funds to be directed towards. Details of how the funds are allocated will be communication following the GA.

The UIAA’s dedicated Covid-19 portal can be found here.

To access the UIAA’s fundraising portal please click here.

Main photo: Courtesy of Tom Nakamura